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  1. I have a very small amount of green spot algae on some of leaves of my plants, especially anubias leaves. I know green spot algae means that the light is "too much", but my question is... Is my light brightness too high? or Is my light on for too long? My light is the Nicrew classic LED and is on for 9 hours per day. I have not changed the length of time it is on or the brightness since I started my tank about 5 months ago. The green spot algae appeared only a month or so ago.
  2. 1. How many different types of algae are there? (ill list all the ones I know). Let me know if I missed any. blackbeard green hair green spot blue green diatom/brown 2. What fish/shrimp/snails eat each type of algae listed above??? - so many people have told me conflicting things about what fish eat. For example, I specifically have a small green hair algae problem in my tank and was told by some people that the ONLY thing that eats green hair algae is amano shrimp... I find that hard to believe, and Ive heard others tell me a bunch of other conflicting things about several different fish, and several different algaes. How do i find out whos right and wrong? people online and real life all give me different fish for the same question lol. IDK WHO TO BELIEVE ANYMORE
  3. You should go on my profile and check out my post about seachem flourish excel cause I go more in depth about it. But I SWEAR flourish excel lowers nitrates. idk why or how. but im 100% it does for me. like I said i got detailed observations about it in my other post that I would recommend checking out. Maybe that the answer to ur question and the reasoning for the low nitrate levels even after adding ferts. I can't prove it tho, lol.
  4. Aquarium: 30 gallon with 4 dwarf gourami, 4 guppies, 12 neons, 6 amano shrimp, 4 otto cats. Also with 2 anubias, 2 monte carlos, 2 java ferns, 2 amazon swords, and one crypt. I recently started dosing 5ml per day of seachem flourish excel about 2 months ago because I do not have real CO2 (i know its not the same but its better than nothing lol). I test my water before and after water changes and actually document levels in a spreadsheet and graph it in order to spot any changes/differences over time. After dosing flourish excel for a while, ive noticed that i am doing LESS THAN HALF the water changes I was before. Before I got excel, I had to do 50% water change like 2-3 times per month just to keep my nitrates below 40 ppm. After dosing excel for awhile, Im only doing 50% water changes ONCE A MONTH! Thats crazy right? It's cool but, what is it doing? What ingredients are causing my nitrates to increase so slowly now? Not only that but my plants really are flourishing (no pun intended). I know most people would just accept it and move on, but I want to find out exactly what is in flourish excel that's causing this. I'm trying to understand the science behind it because its such a drastic difference (and im just a fish nerm). Has anyone else had similar observations after dosing this? Sorry for the long/complicated question, THANK YOU in advance!
  5. 2 Anubias, 2 java fern, 2 monte carlo, and 2 Amazon swords.3 "squirts" as directed for a 30 gallon tank. Dosing nothing else
  6. Got a 30 gallon tank about 5 months ago. First 2 months it was algae free and great water parameters. Then I decided to get easy green and after a few weeks of dosing my tank is covered in green hair algae and when I stopped it's now growing black beard algae. I don't care about it too much but the algae has completely covered my plants! I can't take them out cause there deeply rooted. Idk what to do or how to get the algae off my plants. Everyone loves to use easy green but when I use it algae outbreak very fast and even though I've stopped for months I'm still dealing with it. My water parameters are good. Always under 40 ppm of nitrates. How do I determine the problem? Lights are on for 9 hours per day
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