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Posts posted by Cole

  1. 17 hours ago, Brandy said:

    I am in Washington, but I believe technically the Pumpkinseed is a gamefish that was introduced to this area. I would need a fishing license to "collect" I am sure, but it is nobody's business when/if I kill and eat them...as long as I don't release fish to the wild or start selling them I think I am pretty safe, though I would need to check on that to be sure. However that map confirms what I suspected, that around here, aside from a few species, the pickings may be slim.

    @Brandy I would still be careful. You wouldn’t want a fine for keeping a game fish. I would have to look into Washington laws but here in Arizona it’s illegal to transport live fish from any of our lakes and you have to have a permit granted from game and fish to be able to keep any game fish as a pet. And that fish has to be bought not collected. I just don’t want anyone in trouble haha. 

  2. So in my area I know we have very hard water. I’ve been kicking around getting a couple of 10 gallon jugs and going to the water stand and getting purified water for the tank to fill with and to do water changes. Kind of thinking out loud but is that a good idea? It’s pretty cheap and good water at least. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Daniel said:

    I have some juvenile Gulf Coast Pygmy Sunfish that I might have to move soon. Currently they are in a holding tank for fish that will eventually go into the 1930s aquarium. This male (the dark colored fish behind the swordtails) is now king of this aquarium and all the other fish give him a wide berth. He hasn't fully colored up yet, but he has colored up enough for me to know he is a he. I guess they aren't juveniles anymore.


    I might setup a breeding tank, but I am waiting on @Randy and @Bob to get theirs going (and see who can breed them first).🙂

    @Daniel I will be in the market for a pair here in a couple of weeks! Would love to talk more about it!

  4. 18 minutes ago, Maggie said:

    I am in the planning stage for a 20 long right now too! I am looking at where to put it (limited due to space and location/number of electrical outlets) and what to put it on. Aquarium stands are nice but I like extra shelving so am looking at heavy duty freestanding garage shelving and 1" pine tabletop material. I want to move my danio erythromicron and shrimp into that, and add some honey gouramis. When does that $1/gallon sale end? 😉

    From what I was told it ends on nov 29th. Sounds like a fun project also! I’m trying to figure out the route I want to go with for a stand also haha. I built one for my huge Exo terra terrarium that has wheels so I can move it around easy I’m thinking i may do the same for this tank. Personally everything should have wheels haha

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Ken Dyer said:

    I typically run eco complete and a medium sponge in my 20s. The eco complete cause that is what I like and can get locally. 😉

    Thank you @Ken Dyer. Medium it is. Yeah the eco complete seems to be the best of all worlds. Do you use a top cap on it or just the eco complete by itself?

  6. 3 minutes ago, KBOzzie59 said:

    We used a medium in our 20 long.  The small is, well, just to small for 20 (IMHO).  The small is better suited for 10 and smaller again (IMHO).

    I appreciate it that’s what I thought but my mind was thinking but wanted to reassure haha

  7. I’ve got a couple questions for this build. I’ve never used a sponge filter before I’m planning on going with the aquarium co op sponge filter but for a 20 long would the small size still be good or should I go with a medium? And as far as substrate what do you all like to use for your planted tanks? I’m thinking Eco complete but wondering what other options you all like? Thank you. 

  8. CPD’s seem to be a common favorite so far. I’m liking this. The nano side of fish keeping ice really found a passion in something about having those schooling fish that just make a tank for me. Just wish CPD’s didn’t break the bank to get a decent school of them haha 

    • Like 2
  9. @Daniel Thank you very much for this! I want to keep learning about them. Did you every try daphnia with them? Was planning on some otos and Rasboras in there with them as well in a 10 gallon. With pretty heavy plants on one side and more of an open section on the other. How long of a life span are you getting out of them? I have no problem with feeding live food I much rather do that anyways! 

  10. Good morning, I’m in search of as much information on these little guys as I can get. There is not much out there on them. Aside from being easy to keep, they are native to the states, not aggressive unless spawning (which makes sense). And would require live food. Do any of you keep these guys and have any information on them you would be willing to share? I’m looking to be a sponge on knowledge with them. Thank you! 


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  11. Good morning, I just wanted to at first thank the site owners for a great place to learn at. I’m just getting back into the hobby had tanks as a kid growing up but never really knew what I was doing. I also do desert terrariums so the thought of bioactive habitats really intrigue me. And started learning about planted tanks. I love fish and conservation. I’m a bass fisherman out west and love to study lakes and ecosystems so I figured I should start one at home haha. I have an extra 10 gallon collecting dust that I want to do a nano tank build with. With my center piece fish being a pair of Elassoma Evergladei (Pygmy sunfish). I look forward to getting to know you all and continuing to learn. 

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