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  1. What is your favorite fish store you have ever been to? My personal favorites would have to be Reefkoi corals LLC, and Insidereef.
  2. I hate it when I spill saltwater all over the carpet. I also hate it when mystery snails crawl 10 feet away from the tank and make you think they died.
  3. I would do a short fin koi betta.
  4. Looks like goldfish. Most likely common goldfish, comet goldfish, fantails, and shubunkin goldifsh. One question though; what size tank are you keeping them in?
  5. Sorry for your loss. One thing I would recommend would be to put some fluval stratum in there if you want plants, but if you are using fake plants, just use any substrate. It is always nice seeing beginners who have proper husbandry as opposed to a fish bowl. One of my cousins has a 75 gallon long tank he has had for about 5 years now, and it looks stunning. If you want to, I would definitely put some nutrient rich substrate in there and add some beginner live plants like Anubias barteri, Anubias petite, Amazon swords, and other easy plants.
  6. I have a 30 gallon tall I am setting up for some mbuna cichlids, a 28 gallon saltwater mixed reef tank, the 5 gallon, a 20 gallon Amazon basins biotope, a 10 gallon tank I’m setting up, 3 gallon white cloud minnow tank, and another 5 gallon tank as a side project.
  7. I was looking at montecarlo, but I hear a lot of mixed opinions about it. Some people say it is a great easy carpeting plant, while others say it is extremely hard to keep alive. I do like the idea of Monte Carlo, so I might as well try it out.
  8. There are those snail-roller I found at my LFS. I’m pretty sure they are on Amazon too. I would highly recommend it.
  9. Easily my hillstream loach. He pops up every couple of months and then goes into his *Hillstream loach dimension* Only my king koopa Nerite does this, the red racer and horned tricolor are always out and about
  10. Just looking for some good carpeting plants for my 5 gallon tank. I do have some Java moss in there but only as a bladder snail egg trap. I’m just looking for an easy, brighter-green carpeting plant.
  11. Hello! My name is Rook, and I am a big planted tank enthusiast. I love all shrimp, Nerite snails, and basic nano fish. I am usually a “lazy fishkeeper”, so I try to make my tanks low maintenance. My absolute favorite fish would have to be the clown killifish, or a short-finned koi betta. I talk a lot about the hobby, personally. I love saying I can’t go to a party because I have to “boil wood”. And I hate hydra. here are some photos of my tanks, the 5 gallon is a bit cloudy because I just added some more crushed coral.
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