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  1. I currently do a 30-40 % weekly water change. I did dose with seachem firtilizer but it seemed to make things worse. I turned my lights down to 20% for two hours , 50% for two hours and then 10% for one hour. The rest of the time they were off. This seemed to negatively impact my plants but the algae was still doing fine 🤷‍♀️. I just put in a shark pro filter filled with floss. Going to let this cycle for a couple weeks; changing the filter floss weekly and see if it helps
  2. Are there any canister filters I can use on a 30 gallon breeder with shrimp and guppies that are constantly having fry? I tried to use a coarse sponge filter on my intake tube that is running on my 75 gallon and it causes it to run bad. Anyone know of a canister filter with tiny intake holes ? The sponge filter is just not cutting it. I am continually having problems with algae.
  3. Hopefully this is the case. Today is tank cleaning day and I am going to pull out the lava rocks and rearrange the tank. Hoping this gets them through another week of quarantine until they can be moved to the big tank.
  4. Try letting him fast for two days. Mine nibble on plants constantly. If you have a breeder box put him in there for a couple days and see if his belly returns to normal.
  5. Is that the side panel or the shelf? Maybe put paper towels around the bottom of the aquarium. Maybe you have a very tiny leak that you can’t see yet.
  6. I bought some fish a week ago and have them in a quarantine tank. I noticed an hour ago the two glo sharks are swirling around in the water together and looks like they are pecking at each other’s mouths. Is this breeding or aggression?
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