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  1. Hi I hope you're doing good ! So I have a 10 gallon tank to culture daphnias and blackworms. I feed them once every other day or so with chlorella powder and algae wafers. I also do weekly 25% waterchanges. The problem I have is that I have a lot of cyanobacteria growing in the tank. What should I do ? I know there's products that exist to kill it, but I'm afraid with the critters I have in the tank. Is there a way to safely dispose of the cyanobacteria ? My culture seem healthy. But I read that in the long term, it could hurt the daphnia. I also don't want to infect or hurt my other fish tanks.
  2. Hi I hope you're doing good ! So I've seen Fish Folk's posts about USA's native specie for the aquarium hobby. I personally am in Canada and I couldn't find websites showing freshwater species that could be kept in tank. It was mostly species you could fish, so mostly big fishes. Fish Folk showed shiners for example. I was wondering if there was similar species in Canada and if there's a website showing their native territory like provinces etc. Have a nice day !
  3. Since I'm in Canada, I imagine the product would take quite a while to arrive at my place. Since the fry is in an quarantine tank, wouldn't betta revive do the same job as marcyn2 ? @Colu
  4. I think I found it on ebay, there's different boxes, but here's the first one I found, is that this one @Colu ? :
  5. Is that the stuff ? : https://www.amazon.ca/Aquatics-Mardel-Maracyn-Treats-4-Ounce/dp/B00OTH66K8/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QrpMTzBFwp94mQY0LjKgd8PlGiNn_EO9Sv9Ln-tmuD40ejtfpX2Y8DKc_242f9-oVRZ0R2sQY3kAcv1EHAuWVTlXt0R-ZL_CYTulwBrWiE0uY21zudL3uP71dyX38-L6qkG2zKkhgUIR8oBlRxk1goSWGCMDSVBtdh8XIos0ttqAddJReRjCe1g1qGSiQ8wM18_cq8iMoPca4z46fmH7E5xDTleyIdd6bP_lJXRAdEU.BezD8Z9uTe_6pjqUBXMRnKvBVyhaefoh5qT1sYIEn-Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=maracyn+2&qid=1725509911&sr=8-1 @Colu
  6. It's not the main tank, it's a quarantine tank. But if maracyn2 is more efficient in treating the little guy, I could order some on Amazon. I'll get more aquarium salt tomorrow for him and hope that reduces the inflamation. Do I add it straight to the tank, or do I make him baths ? @Colu
  7. Thanks a lot ! I have a bit of salt remaining. I don't have maracyn2 nor minocycline, would this product work @Colu ?
  8. Copy pasting a part of my journal here since it's a disease issue Hi I hope you're doing good ! One of my betta fry that was in a grow out tank got popeye in one of it's eye. I started by waiting and keeping it's jar (I moved it to a 1L jar) clean, but to no avail. So I setup a 5g tank with cattapa leaves and salt to treat the eye. I used dechlorinated water that I heated to 30 celsius and I added around 7.5ml of salt (the dose on the box). If you guys think I should do something more other than water change every other day and readding salt after water changes, I'm all ears ! Here's some pics of the poor fry : Weirdly, on another angle, it seems like the fry has two pupil. Like there's the sick part, under it what looks like the eye/other eye ? For the double eye thingy, it's hard to tell on picture because the fry moves way too much and my phone's camera is kinda bad, but you can really see two pupils on the eye. One on what seems to be the infected and ''popping'' part and one under what seems the eye ? Is it an optical illusion or not ? Obviously the water doesn't have any pollution, since it's a new medical tank that I'll clean every other day. The fry has been there for only a day, but I'm wondering if there's more I could do for it.
  9. Weirdly, on another angle, it seems like the fry has two pupil. Like there's the sick part, under it what looks like the eye/other eye ?
  10. English : Hey I hope you're doing good ! Weekly update : Big week at work, but my girlfriend helped me a lot in my maintenances with the fry. We usually split the work when she can come over, helps a lot energy wise ! The daphnias and blackworms are doing okay. I'll probably try feeding some worms in the following days. My daphnias doesn't seem to have breed yet. One of my betta fry that was in a grow out tank got popeye in one of it's eye. I started by waiting and keeping it's jar (I moved it to a 1L jar) clean, but to no avail. So I setup a 5g tank with cattapa leaves and salt to treat the eye. I used dechlorinated water that I heated to 30 celsius and I added around 7.5ml of salt (the dose on the box). If you guys think I should do something more other than water change every other day and readding salt after water changes, I'm all ears ! Here's some pics of the poor fry : It's good eye : It's bad eye : I hope it'll heal quickly poor little guy ! It still moves a lot and eats, seems healthy otherwise. Have a nice day ! Français :
  11. English : Hi everyone ! Here's a small update with pictures I took today and also, a couple of questions. This week was pretty calm at work, so I managed to do all my maintenances through the week. My wonderful girlfriend also helped me 🙂 I received my cultures wednesday and it seems to be going okay. The blackworms are really feeling good, the daphnias seems to struggle a bit. So I have a few questions for people on the forum. I never really kept cultures except microworms and the obvious occasional BBS for my fry­. So blackworms and daphnias are a first. I ordered at least 50 daphnias and today I counted between 12 and 15 daphnias, maybe the others are hiding in the moss, but that would surprise me. I guess the remaining 38 died due to shipping or that I'm doing something wrong ? I think I have a bit less daphnias today that I had yesterday. I feed them green water's chlorella powder (my water seems a bit charged from the chlorella powder). The daphnias are in a 10g. I think they are Daphnia Magna . I don't see eggs, nor babies in the daphnias. I tested my water today : 0.25/0.50 ppm Ammonia, 0.25 ppm nitrite, 10/20 ppm nitrate. I'm getting some water ready, I'll do a 50% water change to help, I'll probably feed tomorrow since the water would get clearer. Is there something I'm doing wrong ? Or is it going good and I don't know since I'm new at daphnias ? Do I just still have to wait a bit before seeing developping babies ? If you guys have answers and want to chat about it, I'm all for it ! 😄 Here's a small gif of the daphnias and the worms : Have a nice day and enjoy today's pictures ! : Français : Passez une bonne journée et profitez des photos d'aujourd'hui ! :
  12. English : Hello everyone I hope you're all doing amazing ! I received the cultures this morning so I dripped acclimate them for around an hour or two After that, I tried feeding them some green water I tried culturing. I only then understood the algae in the glass bowl I was culturing, was algae on the walls of it. After I noticed, I kept some of the water in and scrub the walls to then mix the algae on the walls in the remaining water, I hope that'll help making real green water to culture. In any case, I have chlorella powder in the meantime. Seeing my green water was more green glass, I gave them some chlorella powder, but I didn't noticed I had to mix it, so I tried mixing it a bit in the water, which seems to work and break down a bit. After that I turned off the light of the tank and did some water change of my betta jars and then went to work. I'll try feeding the cultures an algae wafer and some well diluted chlorella powder tomorrow. I'll wait for at least a week or more before feeding my fish with animals of the culture, just so they can start really breeding and I'll have more birth than loss in the culture. ShrimpFever wrote me an email asking for an update since they got notified that the package got delivered. I found it really nice of them ! For real, especially if you're canadian, this shop is amazing ! I ordered for around 5 teaspoons of blackworms and at least 50 daphnias and got a maximum of 4-5 DOA in total after two days of shipping, which I think is amazing considering how small those animals are. Have a nice day ! Français :
  13. English : Hi ! I hope you're doing good. Welcome to my journal ! I'll be showcasing my experiments and what I'm doing with my fishes in this journal. I hope you will like my sharing and we'll be able to have nice discussions about my doings as well as yours. First, I wanted to present myself a bit. I'm TheFishCellar, the name is this one because I started seriously keeping fish in a cellar. What I like about the hobby, like a lot of us, is breeding, learning and experimenting, but mostly breeding to be honest. I am in Canada, in the province of Québec. My first language is French, second is English, so I apologize if I make mistakes sometimes. I will write in both language for the majority of the forum, but also for my fellow french speakers. Here's the tanks and fishes I have as of right now : -I have a 30 gallons long with mostly guppies, a couple of platies, corys and two bristlenose plecos (a couple of year old male, and a younger one, which I believe to be a female, but we'll have to see). I'm hoping for the plecos to breed in the future, so I made them some caves with clay pots, time will tell if it works once the younger one get older. -I also have a 10g and 5g tank with a betta in each one, male and female koi plakats. -The setup I have that takes the most time for me, is my 64 betta fry. Yes, the two other bettas I mentioned are a pair that I managed to breed in last october. They are my first betta pair, hence why I still have the fry so they grew slow. I have a 15g with a couple of fry, the other a jarred in 1L jars. I'll soon start selling them. -I have a 2.5g tank that I used to test if I could keep shrimps. The water in my area is super soft, like void GH and KH. So I tested if I could make shrimps live with some oyster shells to up the minerals. So far it's going okay, but not much breeding. I'll soon upgrade the setup to a 10 gallons and if I manage to have a breeding colony, I'll probably try to gain a few bucks with them. -Last but not least, I have a 10g that I use for cultures. I ordered a culture of daphnia magna and blackworms on ShrimpFever (if you're Canadian, this shop is amazing !). They should arrive tuesday or wednesday, they'll be added to the journal once I get them. I'm basing the setup from modified lungs' post ''Big Bad Blackworm Tower''. I hope the daphnia and blackworms will help my fry grow quicker, and help future fishes to breed. Français : Some of my jars. Certains de mes bocaux.My 30g. Mon 30 gallons. My 2.5g. Mon 2.5 gallons. My juvenile BS pleco. Mon ancistrus juvénile. My male betta, father of my 64 fry. Mon betta mâle, le père de mes 64 alevins.My 10g waiting for the daphnias and blackworms, dirty on purpuse. Mon 10 gallons attendant ses daphnies et vers noirs, c'est voulu qu'il soit sale.
  14. Thanks a lot ! That answers everything ! I'm thinking about making journals as well (video and written). I'm in Québec Canada, and I must admit the amount of content here is pretty slim. If you don't speak English (because we're a French speaking province) the only reliable content to watch and learn from is the European one, but the stuff they have there isn't exactly the same here, they have different units also. So I want to make reliable content for folks in my province and other French speakers ! I'm breeding a bit also, so I hope to be able to interest people and teach them a bit, especially since I'm in a small town and there isn't much LFS or groups and all around me, maybe I can bring some interest around me, anyway, I'm young, so, young hopes ahahah !
  15. Hey I'm new to the forum, but I wanted to say before I created my account that I was looking over your journal this week at work while it was calmer and I found it really interesting ! Keep up the good work ! Also, while my reading of the 23 pages, I got a question : basically I'm never really did black water and I was wondering why do you boil your botanicals to collect the tanins and keep it in a bottle ? Is it to add back some tanins after each water change ? Have a nice day !
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