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  1. Your tank looks great; especially that piece of driftwood. Sorry to hear about the Corydoras and Tetras.
  2. Looks good to me! Those guppies look nice too.
  3. I have not used that sand before, but if my math is correct, that is a very fine/small grain size. You may end up with it blowing all over your tank due to the FX6 (but I have not used an FX6 before either). Which fish do you plan to keep in the tank and do you plan to setup the aquascape?
  4. I have wanted to try a 20 long ever since I learned of their existence. I'll be following along and living vicariously through you Whitecloud09! 😄
  5. What kind of guppies are those? Anything in particular or just assorted?
  6. This sounds like an interesting summer project. I look forward to reading about it as you go along.
  7. I'm a fan of the 30 gallon tank. It has a 36" by 12.5" footprint, which gives a lot of space for schools to move around. For me, the length and width are much more important than the height of the tank. It might feel huge after a 10 gallon, but it isn't hard to maintain. I'm running one with a small school of Glo-Danios and Khuli Loaches (I'm kind of addicted to loaches).
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