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  1. yep, limpet. I get them all the time from my pond in NC.
  2. I guess... yeah. an example is my ostracods that I culture. they are a desert species that get big enough to be suitable for adult guppies, and I have had a lot of success raising killifish on them. as far as I know, I am the only person that has ever bothered to figure out how to mass produce them. I collected them from a dry depression in Arizona.
  3. I was on a discord and someone mentioned the "reverse respiration" method for treating plants/tanks, and it sounded familiar, so I had to look it up. after having seen how much work was put into exploring that method... the kind of work that I never had time to do, but always wanted to... well, y'all certainly have my attention! is there a good place for a post on collecting and creating new live food cultures? I don't mean getting a starter culture from someone... I mean going out and collecting something new, and starting a culture of some critter that nobody has ever tried before? I have a few...
  4. I just discovered this... and joined the forum strictly for this thread. I started experimenting with using CO2 to disinfect plants and kill pest critters back in 2009. I posted about it and some other stuff I was doing while I was learning Arabic at the defense language institute(I'll post the link below). I kinda dropped off the face of the planet after that... I deployed to Afghanistan, Syria, and most countries in the northern half of Africa(there is always a war in Africa). so, this last decade has been busy to say the least. I never really got to experiment further with the stuff I was doing back then. never really had the time. but, my combat days are behind me now and I would like to get back to it. I absolutely love the work y'all have done. https://www.plantedtank.net/threads/tricks.568466/
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