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  1. Longnose? I was specifically thinking that one I'm particular. I didn't think its mouth was big enough to eat a shrimp lol.
  2. Hello, I am interested in starting a new reef tank but only have had experience in freshwater. I want to keep at the very least arrow crabs, harlequin shrimp, snails, yellow canary gobies, starry gobbies, a hawkish, and an emerald crab. I also want to keep Orange Razzle frogspawn and orange bubble-tip anemones. I would like suggestions on a build that can utilize all of or some of the animals and corals listed above and any other tips and recommendations are very welcome. Thank you!
  3. I'd love to order plants but I'm too scared now lol, with the store being in Washington, It would take forever to get here to Texas, not to mention the heat nowadays out here!
  4. Sounds like you already have it pretty good. Just monitor the guppies. Although I hate to contradict with the veterans here, I wouldn't reccomend salt with kuhli's unless you MUST HAVE TO, as iv'e been told they can't really handle salty water. @Guppysnail @lefty o please correct me if I'm wrong about the loaches. this is only from what an old friend who kept them told me. Keep us updated on these guppies! I'd love to hear more about them soon! Also, I forgot to mention, if they do in fact breed (They probably will) separate the babies from the parents, my sister also kept them and we went from 11-ish fry and only 2 made it to adulthood.
  5. Forgot to mention, I also would like some advice from a nano expert (if there are any). And with the reccomendation of your fish could you give some basic info behind them? Thanks again! (E.G: Diet, Length, Breeding Tendencies, Color, Etc.)
  6. Hey all, sorry for blowing up the forum lately but I need advice on nano fish I haven't really kept them a whole ton. I really want a school of 3-6 kubotai rasbora for my 5 gallon but Iv'e looked around and its said I will need 10 gallons AT THE VERY LEAST! Iv'e also looked into gouramis and stuff but preferrably I want some kind of dither fish. (I won't be looking into betta fish, although they are great, I'm not really interested in them for this type of build.) So any other reccomendations (except betta and shrimp), will be awesome. Thank you!
  7. @JettsPapa, Thanks for the advice. I thought about this too and got a little worried. Unfortunatly that (for the forseeable future) probably won't be possible and I'll have to get them with the supplies or a few days later, I have some water conditioners and ammonia/nitrate/heavy metal removers. Do you think those would work along with a buch of starter bacteria? @NOLANANO. Do you think Galaxy Pearls would work as a substitute? I thought about those too.
  8. Hello! Iv'e been sketching out ideas for a scape inside of a 5 gallon UNS 45s. I plan to already have a school of around 6 orange rili shrimp! I also plan to home these with Kubotai Rasbora. Anyone think there is a better stocking option or does anyone have reccomendations? Keep in mind they need to be kind of hardy becasue I plan to do an fish-in-cycle due to reasons of avalibility. Any reccomendations welcome! Thank you!
  9. Alright, I'm planning to build a scape utilizing a 5-gallon tank homing a handful of Orange Rili Shrimp and some Sp "Pink" Medaka Rice Fish, around 6 of them to be exact. I've seen that pros have been able to home these although in smaller and cube-sized nano tanks? Any precautions or reccomendations for the scape based on this stocking.
  10. For clarification, my friend asked if I knew and I'm reaching out and seeing if anyone here knows. Also, the corpses apparently burst somehow.
  11. My friend was telling me a story today about their old fish and an odd cause of death. It's very intriguing and i'd like to know why this happened. Appalrently, they went on vacation about a year ago and left their fish to their brother, who allegedly did not feed them and left the decomposing bodies of two betta's who blew up. And yes, I do mean that they literally blew up in the tank. SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN STRANGER THINGS. A good comparison they made is the scene in Stranger Things season 3 when the rats blow up to become parts of the Mind Flayer's physical form. Any ideas as to what happened?
  12. @Chad, ah okay thanks for clarifying! Sorry about that. That was just my theory as to why something like that would happen
  13. @Chad, Thanks again! I've done a little bit more of research and asking around regarding Medaka and Rasbora. I can kind of see a link to your experience with keeping them together, apparently, Medaka will grow bigger than the Kubotai, so that's probably the culprit of the bullying, I'd think that a bigger school of kubotai and a slightly smaller school of medaka could work
  14. @Chad, Thanks again, I plan personally getting either youkihi or the black ricefish, I'm getting a 10 gallon though, but I could upgrade to a 12 long if necessary. are schools of 7 acceptable for both types of fish? However, I'm worried it could get overstocked quickly because they are planned to co-exist with Orange Rili shrimp. If this doesn't work out any other types of rasbora or fish that would pair well with medaka?
  15. @lefty o, Kubotai Rasbora @Chad Thanks for the helpful advice, appreciate it.
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