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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Hi @PSwayze80! Welcome to the forum and sorry about your Oskar….😞 It isnt fun when it happens I know.
  2. I am cycling the 10 gal currently and wondering how many of the wcmm I could get an and how many shrimp with them? The tank is not planted but will have a decent amount of hides soon when I go to petsmart. The tank is setup and temp is 78 degrees but I will cool it down before I get the minnows and that temp is good for cycling too….So how many? Dont want to overcrowd the tank but I want more than 1 fish obviously.
  3. Yes I do and just looked it up and it said 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons of water so I will do 2.
  4. Well I can’t answer that really…😅 ummmm can baking soda do anything bad for cycle? Just wanted cycle done sooner that’s all iguess
  5. I see no problem with adding baking soda and crushed coral. I say it just do it. Never thought about that idea and it sounds pretty smart to do….but it’s up to u…
  6. I don’t have any. Any thing else for it to raise IMMEDIATLEY Like maybe a water change? And what is the best conditioner for during cycle? I have prime and stress coat and topfinn water conditioner
  7. I am on day 18 and ph just dropped down to 6.7 or possibly less!!!! How do I fix this??!?! Doing a fishless cycle and currently ammonia and nitrite are .50 and 2 ppm. Nitrates are going up cycle may be done soon but what do I do?!
  8. My temp is at 78 degrees and I have a bad heater which I am about to replace. The new heater is a tetra 50 watt 2-10 gal heater that I just ordered from Amazon which should come soon. Today is the first fasting day and I will feed daphnia in a couple of days
  9. I use the lid that comes with the topfinn starter all in one kit. There is no gaps except a small on by the filter Yes. Believe it or not I don’t want any baby shrimps because I have no live plants….
  10. I agree too! Either one I will see! My 10 gal is taking SOOOOO long to cycle and have to be patient 😔 sadly
  11. The tank is a 5 gallon non planted aquarium with artificial plants and a cave hide. He is acting fine but I think he has clamped fins…his paremeters are ph, 7.4 ppm ammonia 0 ppm,nitrite 0 ppm and nitrates are 2 ppm. His tank is very clean and the tank has been set up for about since February. He has a topfinn silentstream filter. He had fin tear or something a while ago but I think he is fine now…Today is day 1 of fasting him and I have daphnia which I will try if this doesn’t work. Here is some pictures of him⬇️ He is super super fast! Sorry for not good pics….The last one is when I first got him. Water is low because didn’t used to know what I was doing!😩🙄 I have been doing some aquarium salt for a other issues he used to have. Should I add some today? Also I will get some better pics soon
  12. Yes so if it takes four days add how much ammonia and if 8 add 1/4 of it?
  13. 😔 I know that for a fact. I 100% don’t like betta sickness. If it would be swim bladder what do I do??!
  14. My bettas stomach is fat. Do I starve him for a day or two? I feed him a peeler 2 times a day.here’s a picture of him.Not a great pic😩
  15. I see. Every tank is different so mine might take a longer or shorter time than yours. The ammonia and nitrite are going down and when it does go to 0 I add ammonia and next day will be 0
  16. It is possible I believe and when I see that they are gone do I add one more dose of ammonia @Pepere? It is my opinion that it is done but possible not but I never saw nitrates till yesterday so maybe! I agree. I used ammonia and bacteria and they say it will end between day 5-7 but that isNOT TRUE I know but maybe!
  17. Cycle is almost fineshed right?ammonia has gone down from 4 to 1 ppm and nitrates are 20 ppm and nitrite 2 from 5 ppm. Today is day 15 and I hope it is finished!!!! Is it almost done?
  18. 😂😂thanks for all the. Help! I will ask a pet smart person what the temp is from the tank and compare and go from there!
  19. I think so. If u are getting a certain fish u can see what they’re water parameter needs are.That’s why I 100% recommend the white clouds because u basically don’t have to worry about the paremeters but u need decent paremeters
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