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  1. How much marine salt is safe in a planted tank, say tsp or tbsp per gallon? I'm assuming a little goes a long way.
  2. I like to use green house panels, but at least in my area they only sell it in large sections. You would have a lot left over in that case. I have also used polycarbonate, which is available in much smaller pieces, but the plastic material will absorb water and bow a little bit over time. Though on a tank that small I don't think there would be enough weight to it for it to warp too badly.
  3. I finally got a fry box set up and plopped in a few mystery fry that might be platies or guppies. Never tried my hand at fry raising before, I usually just leave them to their fate in the tank one way or the other. We shall see how it goes.
  4. One additional benefit is that, correct me if I am wrong, ammonia is generally less toxic in an acidic environment that blackwater would be associated with. Not that it should be counted on-regular maintenance is still necessary. But it would be a nice buffer to help a beginner in case any problems do arise or errors are made.
  5. Easy question. A dwarf stingray that was 2-3" across max size. Salt or freshwater is fine either way, my fantasy isn't picky lol. 😄
  6. I have only had big box store guppies, and it has never ended well. If I ever get the courage to try again I'm definitely skipping that route and ordering some from a hobbyist breeder instead.
  7. I like platies a lot, all of the upsides of guppies but not as prone to illness as the guppies seem to be.
  8. Hmm, Pearl gouramis are really pretty coloration wise. I think skirt tetras don't get enough love, the YouTube channel Green Aqua had a tank for a while that had angelfish and skirt tetras that was absolutely amazing.
  9. Yeah, I'm just trying to brainstorm some "safe" picks as this aquarium will be maintained by me but not at my house. I don't want an experiment to fail and make me look bad lol. Are EBA'S pretty laid back? Angels have that reputation for being surly, but I haven't ever heard much about acara. I had not considered glofish, that might be a cool idea, albeit unnatural looking. But then again most of the fauna in my list are altered from their wild form in one way or another, so I guess if we really cared about that we would all just do biotope style tanks lol.
  10. I guess one angel might be better as a centerpiece? Cherry barbs are pretty cool, I'll add that one to the list. I have never seen cardinals in my area, for whatever reason it's all neons all the time around here. I completely forgot about corydoras! I had some Aeneas species in my 29 gallon for a year or so, but they got huge so I wound up giving them away.
  11. I've had that happen in my shrimp tanks that had hang on back filters, pulling the media and dumping shrimp back in the tank became part of my routine maintenance. 😂
  12. Hello all,I am in the process of setting up an aquarium for my father-in-law at his request. I wound up scoring a good deal on a barely used 36 gal bowfront and I am looking for some thoughts on stocking-this forum seems to be way more reasonable than anywhere else on the Internet (which seems to oscillate between extreme negligence and zealous 'fish police'). He's wanting to have some more medium size fish, as the tank will primarily be observed from a recliner across the room, and I wanted to gather some information from people with experience before I made any recommendations. I'm more of a nano tank guy so this is a little outside my wheelhouse, the biggest fish I have kept are bolivian rams and platies. Would amy of the following fish be suitable for a tank that size? Electric blue acara or 1-3 angelfish (too big maybe?) Congo tetra (love these guys, but too big maybe as well?) Tiger Barbs Large Tetras like Columbians Larger live-bearers like swordtails and mollies. Thanks!
  13. Mine too. I still have a few that run the gauntlet but my rams and neon tetras seem to think them out quite a bit.
  14. Hello all, I've been working on a new home for my Betta Kvothe since his previous tank was a big mess and didn't really at all turn out like I wanted it to. I got a cube 6 gallon on sale (what I really wanted was the massive 60 gallon cube but I figure I already put my wife through enough as it is). The hard scape: Mopani wood, pea gravel, and wild collected river rocks. I've come to find that I don't really care for the fancier "aquascaping" rocks like dragon stone, the smooth and round look appeals to me. I expect I will suffer a high evaporation rate due to the proximity to the air conditioner but I will do what I have to. Luckily it is a small tank so it will be easy to relocate if it is a problem. Plants: My new plants arrived from the Co-op today. Anubias "gold coin," Anubias "golden," and Bucephelandra dark pearl. Everything looks good, hopefully the buce will behave. I have never kept it before so I'm not sure how it will go. Added a few plants I had laying around as well. Amazon frogbit, H. tripartita "Japan," H. leucephala, and Subwassertang. More to come.
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