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  1. Does anyone know of any darker Echinodorus plants than the amazon sword?
  2. I made some slight changes but I'm not going to do exact Dutch and more so Dutch-inspired as of the plants, streets, and variations. I moved the sword to the right a bit and changed up some positioning. I might keep the basics of my layout the same but I will tweak it if necessary. Here it is as of now.
  3. Do you think this would be a good plant in between the rotala and sword? Alternanthera Bettzickiana Green
  4. Do you think a darker green sword echinodorus plant in the background would be better? If so which one? HereScape It is really nice. You can just search it up on google and you can just start scaping without any account. It even tells you the lighting conditions, fertilizers, Co2, and substrate amounts for the selected tank!
  5. But it could be lingering in the tank so try doing what this guy did
  6. I searched it up and it seems that you use 1 tsp of aquarium salt (not table salt) to 1 cup of clean aquarium water for 30 seconds to 1 minute. You might need to repeat it a couple of times to get rid of it.
  7. I made a small template on Scape It and I'm not sure how it is. Some of the plants are look-a-likes to the actual plant. Can you guys give me some suggestions and remarks for me? Thank you in advance
  8. So I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that the fish died yesterday. The good news is none of the other fish are showing any symptoms as of right now but I will still keep doing the treatment for today. And none of the cherrys or snails died during the treatment.
  9. I mean I know they arent dither fish but pea puffers might be cool. The Co-Op made an article. They are a little bit hard to keep though so if your up to the challenge then go for it. They have cute faces and curious personalities and they are really cute. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/pea-puffer
  10. Would it still be considered a centerpiece fish even if i get 3 honey gouramis? @Tony s
  11. Currently its a little bare but after im done with my plan then it will be heavily planted
  12. I'm thinking about getting a centerpiece fish for my 20 long and currently, I have shrimp, CPD's, and neons in there. Do you guys think that a Honey Gourami or a Betta would be better? I know Bettas might eat the shrimp but also Honey gouramis I heard do best in pairs and im not sure if that might be too much stocking (I checked Aqadvisor the stocking is about 95% with 2 Honey Gouramis). Which one would you pick for a shrimp tank? Im completely fine with some baby shrimp loss. I would go with a betta but I heard they have mixed personalities and some eat shrimp and some dont.
  13. I might go with a fish like a pearl gourami or betta. I'm still deciding on which one though. I think getting bottom-dwelling fish would be overstocking. Probably a betta since pearl gouramis need to be kept in a pair. But also a betta is more likely to eat shrimp. Is it ok for Pearl Gouramis to be kept alone but with other fish around them? I could also probably keep 2 pearl gouramis or honey gouramis though If so which one though?
  14. I've been thinking about getting a centerpiece fish for my 20 gal with CPDS, neons, and shrimp. Do you guys think the tank would look better with 1 showpiece and 2 large groups or just 2 large groups? If a showpiece fish would be better which one is your favorite for an aquarium with shrimp? I am completely fine with occasional shrimp fry loss also.
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