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Posts posted by Ninjoma

  1. I've purchased mystery snails, zebra danios, fancy goldfish, corys and black skirt tetras from my petco. They were all really healthy. I've also purchased neon tetras from Petco, and half of them died of presumably neon tetra disease. think it probably depends on the individual store/ fish. 

    If I was tasked with this project I would probably get glowfish tetras. Tiger barbs sound like a good idea, but I've never kept them before. 

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  2. I've had this happen a couple times. Once with my goldfish. I eventually found her underneath a piece of driftwood buried in the sand. I'm not sure if she got stuck digging for food or if she was hiding because she didn't feel good. When I lifted the wood, she was dazed and covered in sand, but recovered. 

    The other time with a zebra danio. I eventually found that they jumped out of the  tank. 

    My recommendation is to look under absolutely everything in the tank. 

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  3. On 3/28/2023 at 7:56 AM, g0nk said:

    Also, any suggestions on online shops for live fish (Aqua huna I know of, any others?)

    I've ordered from and had a good experience with Imperial Tropicals, Aquatic Arts and Aqua Imports.

    On 3/28/2023 at 7:56 AM, g0nk said:

    Here's what I am "thinking" of how I would like to stock the tank once ready:

    Feature Fish: Either 2-3 Guppies, or a Betta. Not sure which.. Leaning towards Guppies though.

    Cleanup Crew: Either 6 Panda or Pigmy Corydoras or 6 Kuhli Loaches, with a batch of about 10 cherry shrimp and some snails? (I really like rabbit snails)

    Maybe a small school of about 10 neon tetras?

    I think your list looks good! For determining numbers, https://aqadvisor.com/ is a pretty helpful calculator for getting a decent ballpark. The only suggestion I have is to maybe consider a slightly smaller schooling fish like green neon tetras, ember tetras or chili rasbora. If you use a smaller fish, you can keep a larger school and I think tiny fish look better in smaller tanks because they have more room to swim around relative to their size. There's nothing wrong with neon tetras though, if you prefer them.


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  4. On 3/23/2023 at 6:29 AM, Doberman Mom said:

    (my biggest issue with the HOB is the water tinkle tinkle sound ..lol!)

    This was one of my biggest annoyances when I first started using HOBs too. One way to get around this is to fill your tank all the way past the outlet of the HOB, so the water doesn't have to fall down the outlet into your tank, it just shoots across the surface of your water. 

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  5. 1. Xtreme community crave (floats as large flakes, sinks in crushed bits, can feed all sizes of mouths, has some protein and some vegatables) 

    2. Xtreme nano pellets (can feed all sizes of mouths, good for mid feeders and bottom feeders) 

    3. Hikari/aco Freeze dried brine shrimp (a nice easy to store and easy to feed treat) 

    4. xtreme nice 1.5mm semi floating (it's nice to have a larger food for goldfish and angelfish. I prefer foods that will eventually sink, so scavengers can clean up the leftovers) 

  6. Hey All,

    I'm planning a brackish paludarium build featuring fiddler crabs. I've purchased a 16.9 gallon cube tank for the project. Does anyone have any experience with fiddler crabs, brackish tanks or paludariums and have advice they want to share?

    Here is my current plan:
    -Aim for a PH around 8 using aragonite sand as the substrate and seiryu stone for decorations.
    -For fiddler crab tank mates: guppies, amano shrimp, nerite snails.
    -For plants: anubias, java fern, crypts 

    Some questions I have:
    -I have large amount of caribsea super naturals sand on hand I would like to use if possible. Do you think I could get away with mixing aragonite sand with PH nuetral caribsea sand and still end up with a PH of around 8? For reference, my tap water has a PH around 6.5.
    -It seems like most sources recommend a PH of 8-8.3 for fiddler crabs, but I have seen a few (https://aquariumbreeder.com/fiddler-crab-detailed-guide-care-diet-and-breeding/ & https://azgardens.com/product/mini-algae-eating-fiddler-crab/) suggest a larger range is acceptable. Does anyone know if fiddler crabs can thrive with a PH closer to 7.5?
    -Does anyone have suggestions for tankmates for fiddler crabs? I feel like guppies are the most reasonable option for my tank size, but I'm not the biggest fan of guppies, so I am open to suggestions.
    -Does anyone have suggestions for plants that can survive in brackish water with a specific gravity of 1.005? Cursory google searches suggest java fern, crypts and anubias are good options, or potentially many more plants (https://aquariumbreeder.com/brackish-water-plants/) but I also noticed this from ACO (https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/faqs/what-aquarium-plants-can-grow-in-brackish-water) saying java fern and mangrove trees are the only plants they have had success with.
    -What plants do y'all recommend for the terrestrial part of the tank? I have a germanium I kinda want to throw in there. Would that be okay?

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  7. On 3/16/2023 at 6:59 PM, msherrill25 said:

    If I try this plant, should I leave it in the basket with the rock wool then as the instructions call for on the planter description?

    If you want to try the planter, yes that's what I would do. For your scenario I would bury the entire pot in the substrate and then put rocks on top of the substrate around the stems.

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  8. I think stem plants like Scarlet temple are fine to put in easy planters. You can let them grow a nice tall stem out of the planter and when they get too tall you can trim them and replant the trimmings.

    I want to say rhizome plants like anubias and javafern are probably the best plants to put into the planters though, because you generally want to attach them to a decoration rather than plant them anyways and putting them into a planter saves you the trouble.

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  9. Crypt lucens might be a bit on the larger side for a foreground plant, but I think you could make it work depending on how tall your tank is. It grows very slow also. 

    Here are some carpeting plants I've worked with that I would recommend:

    Dwarf chain swords 




    Dwarf sagarita (the grass on the right side) 20230310_172909.jpg.a0d5a995e33bc5a3d89a85a77defc582.jpg

    Monte carlo (looks good, can be kinda difficult to work with though) 


    As for providing cover, I haven't done much breeding yet, so I'm not sure what works best for that. 

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