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Posts posted by Ninjoma

  1. On 5/8/2023 at 5:51 PM, Patrick_G said:

    With 350 g (2/3 of a bottle) of Easy green in 100 gallons you should be seeing a lot of Nitrate, even in a heavily planted jungle tank. 

    The API test is notorious for giving false negatives if the instructions for shaking the bottle aren’t followed precisely. To compound the problem, if you do a few test without enough shaking then subsequent test might also show false results. 

    I was perceiving this part:


    On 5/8/2023 at 4:50 AM, madcracked said:

    100g dosed then tested with no change then did a 150g

    to mean. The dose for 100 gallons (10 pumps) then the dose for 150 gallons (15 pumps). If they meant 100 grams. Then I want to clarify I am not suggesting one dose 200 grams of easy green every day. @madcracked can you clarify what you meant?

  2. I agree, it should be fine. I am injecting co2 with my neos, vampire and amano shrimp. 

    If you are worried about injecting too much co2, I would use a drop checker to test the co2 level and and make sure to have an air stone. 

  3. On 5/7/2023 at 9:13 AM, Kalin said:

    Context: I have an established tank with a lot of dwarf chain sword and I need to harvest it out. the tank, that this dwarf chainsword will be going in, will not be ready to be planted for another 2 weeks

    question: what is a temporary solution to keep the harvested dwarf chainsword alive for two weeks? Tupperware? Light? Water? Ezgreen?

    Would it be possible to just let them float in the established tank? Otherwise I would put them in a container with some tank water and place it somewhere it can get some light. You could also use something like a HOB breeder box and just let them float in there https://www.amazon.com/Marina-Hang-On-Breeding-Box-Medium/dp/B005QRDDJ2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=14Y1FC7PV40D6&keywords=fluval%2Bbreeder%2Bbox%2Bsmall&qid=1683479758&sprefix=fluval%2Bbreeder%2Bbox%2Bsmal%2Caps%2C224&sr=8-1&th=1

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  4. I have the itc 308 and I really like it. I have it attached to two iceprobe chillers and a heater and it regulates temperature well. Customer service is pretty good also. Mine stopped working, so I ordered a new one and contacted support. They gave me a full refund for the 2nd one I purchased. 

  5. On 5/5/2023 at 8:09 PM, PerceptivePesce said:

    I just invented the solution to this problem. It's sheer brilliance! It works extremely well at gripping hair algea and removing it from plants. 


    It's that super soft air tubing slipped over the tips of my tweezers. The grip is strong.

    You're welcome, internet.

    Now take this knowledge and fly! Spread it to all!

    Wait, do the tweezers still open far enough to grab stuff with the tubing over the tip? Or do you have to grab something, then slip the tubing over the tip?

  6. On 5/3/2023 at 7:37 PM, CJs Aquatics said:

    currently have:



    tiger limia 

    blue finned goodeid 

    dragon puffers 

    pea puffers 

    bristlenose plecos 

    red lizard whiptails 

    mekong puffers 

    dojo loaches 

    a single ornate bichir 

    green Corydoras 

    neocaridina shrimp

    mystery snails 

    hillstream loaches 

    I agree @Fish Folk then. Angelfish are the only fish that come to mind that have an affinity for super tall tanks. I would do something like:
    -An angelfish
    -A pair of german blue rams or apisto borellii
    -A small school of rummnynose tetra or a pair of honey gourami
    -Some bottom dwellers like kuhli loaches or orange  venezuelan corys

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  7. I don't like algae that:
    -Grows on top of my plants
    -Grows on the front glass
    -Grows on my glass tops

    Algae DO like algae that:
    -Grows on the back glass
    -Grows on rocks, woods and other ornaments
    -Grows on sponge filters or prefilter sponges

    I just find it hard to keep the algae off the things I don't want it on, while allowing the algae I do like to flourish.

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