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Posts posted by Ninjoma

  1. Photos of my newer babies and some extras

    Derps new tankmates:

    "Crayola" the Blue Gularis20240913_175358(0).jpg.55dc03ba3dac16abebd535824591db04.jpg

    Congo Tetras

    "Steve" the flagtail20240911_130745.jpg.18364552f6df4846d2e69db608e8170c.jpg



    "Dr Butterface" AKA "Lil Butters" the electric blue jack dempsey20240913_202958.jpg.cce9d9aada663416969483e83985d322.jpg


    "Moody" the rotkeil severum20240914_132215.jpg.ae2d6a10f78e5d3a1259a8111eec4182.jpg

    Shark Tank





    "Chip" the indian lilac crab. They came in a bit damaged, but should be able to repair almost everything on their next molt.



    They came with a butterfly tattoo


    20h paludarium



    "Indigo" the betta20240913_173124.jpg.1eb64850282724de65cd23e9d06e7b14.jpg





    misc photos from other tanks










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  2. The easiest to plant in is fine sand in my experience, so that is my favorite. I like the caribsea moonlight sand. I've heard others suggests that plants with small roots will have a hard time growing in fine sand, but I haven't had that issue personally. Just add root tabs under root feeders.

  3. Finished the rough draft of my new 75g and moved over my angelfish. Getting a roktiel severum, dwarf red tail eel, an electric blue jack Dempsey and a flagtail to join him. Pretty excited to have an oddball squad.




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  4. I kept black skirts in my 29g with my angelfish for a while and I didn't really enjoy it. They were quite nippy, mostly towards each other and my mystery snails. I ended up returning them. I don't really trust them to be peaceful personally.

    I like rummynose tetra with angelfish, but if your angel is predatory they could be eaten. I've had a good experience my black ruby barbs and my angelfish in my 29g, if you are open to non tetras.

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  5. On 8/29/2024 at 8:23 PM, face said:

    ll animals produce ammonia it’s toxic cycling a tank is just letting bacteria grow that eat the ammonia turning it into less toxic stuff (nitrite then nitrate )it can take weeks or a couple months for this to happen 

    to cycle a tank you need to add ammonia then wait for the bacteria to grow the only way to know when it’s done is to test for ammonia nitrite and nitrate if you already have animals in the aquarium you’d test and when the ammonia or nitrite get to high you’d change water to lower them if you don’t have anything in it yet you add ammonia then just wait for it to go away 

    ^This is all correct. Personally I like to cycle tanks with fish in them so I can use fish food and fish waste as my ammonia and nitrite sources and don't have to manually add ammonia to the tank. Also once your cycle is finished in this way, you know that the bacteria in your tank is enough to keep up with the fish in your tank. I add bacteria in a bottle like Fritz Zyme 7 or Seachem stability to kickstart the process and dose the tank with a water conditioner every day like Fritz Complete or Seachem Prime to detoxify the ammonia and nitrite (rendering it harmless to fish). I test the water everyday and do water changes daily when ammonia or nitrite are over 1.5ppm.

    For shrimp, I would definitely wait until the tank is done cycling, is established and is growing algae. They also require (in my opinion) 3+ hour long drip acclimation to survive the acclimation process consistently. Shrimp are pretty sensitive to changes in water and benefit from having detritus and algae to nibble on.

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  6. On 8/29/2024 at 12:38 PM, illquixote said:

    8 diamond tetras, 1 bristlenose pleco, 6+ glofish danios, and 6+ corys be too much (perhaps especially so for beginners).

    That stocking sounds fine. If aqua advisor says that is 53%, I would go for it. Just make sure you keep testing your water for ammonia and nitrites when adding additional fish.

  7. I'm just now getting over my first burnout period. This was triggered by several things. Two of my favorite crabs passed away, most of my anubias rotted and for some reason I can't grow tiger lotus anymore in one of my tanks that used to be full of it. I also had stem plants in most of my tanks that required a lot of maintenance to look correct.

    What got me interested again was my fiddler crabs, vampire crabs and crayfish doing well and being adorable. I also noticed that my 2 lower light tanks with slower growing plants still looked quite good despite my lack of pruning and fertilizing for a few months. So now I'm re-scaping all my tanks to be more like those 2.

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  8. On 8/4/2024 at 10:06 AM, Lennie said:

    They look AMAZING.

    Does the Shark have a name? I know you like to name your fish/crabs. 🙂 


    Im happy to see they get along and live happily🩵 Hope I have a similar experience

    Also thanks for the response. I was not expecting one as you were not active lately. I love your tanks mate, you should come online more often 🙂

    That's Arrie the rainbow shark. I'm glad you like my tanks. I'm in a bit of a burn out period at the moment and have been neglecting my scapes. I think I'm going to redo most of them with slow growing plants eventually when I feel up to it.

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