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  1. Dallas North Aquarium lists their stock, when it came in, and the price. It doesn’t show how many are in stock, but having the arrival date is helpful if you want to choose from the best options. I have no idea what the workflow is like on their end, but it’s the best stock Iist I’ve personally seen. https://dallasnorthaquarium.com/livestock/
  2. I’ve never owned rosy barbs, but I’ve read and seen evidence at fish stores that they nip fins. That would be a concern for me with the guppy tank. They might also be a little big to put with chili rasboras.
  3. I’ve been thinking about getting the ACO light for awhile and now even more. When I look at reviews and comments online it seems that everyone says the build quality is great. But the biggest complaint is the color of the light. Also, I’ve heard it doesn’t have the power for high tech setups. I’m wondering if those of you that own the light could comment on the color of it and the power out put? And maybe share photos?
  4. My top bucket list plant is Hygrophila Pinnatifida. I think it’s one of the coolest aquarium plants I’ve ever seen. I’m wondering if anyone here has tried growing it in a low-tech setup. I’ve never tried running CO2 before and I’m wondering if I’ll have to learn how to do that in order to have this plant.
  5. For me (and I believe Cory has mentioned this) the surface skimmer on the Tidal makes it an automatic no go. All my tanks have had shrimp in them and I like to do breeding. There’s no easy way to cover the surface skimmer, so it can easily eat up shrimp and baby fish. If you don’t have either then this obviously isn’t as big a deal.
  6. Hello, I am moving and wanting to take my 55 gal with me. We’re being moved with a large 18-wheeler trailer. The driver said he’ll have room for the tank but it gets really hot in the back of the truck during summer: 120-150 degrees. I’m wondering if those kind of temperatures will damage the seals on the aquarium or if it will be fine. I’m thinking petco and other stores must ship their tanks on big trailers too so it will probably be ok.
  7. Hi Everyone, I recently bought some show quality guppies that I absolutely love. I’ve done some reading online and pretty much all the resources say that if you want to preserve a show guppy line you need 8-10 tanks. What I’m wondering (and couldn’t find online) is can you keep producing decently nice looking guppies with only 3-4 tanks. I’m not really wanting to show these guppies and am hoping I won’t need to set up a fish room just to keep some nice looking ones going. I’m pretty new to guppies and only have top quality ones because a member of my club shows them and gives really good deals to club members.
  8. Thank you everyone for your ideas! @FLFishChik Great video, thank you! @Mmiller2001 your tank looks amazing! I like how the dark background and substrate really make the plants stand out. I think I’m going to visit some stores and watch videos as suggested. Whatever I end up doing, I’ll share it when it’s finally setup.
  9. Hello Everyone, I’m planning to get some guppies and do a new planted tank with them. I’ve been trying to decide whether to find a dark substrate or go with something more natural colored. I want their colors to really pop. The back and sides of the tank will be painted black.
  10. Would cuttlebone or crushed coral raise the ph much? My ph currently reads around 6.8-7.2 and I wouldn’t want to shock the shrimp or cories too much.
  11. I have a 10 gal tank with 5 pygmy cories and blue dream shrimp (about 20 adults). I tested my water a couple weeks ago with the co op strips and my KH was 0. I did about a 40% water change at that time. I just tested my water again and it read 0 KH again. My water out of the tap reads around 80 per the strips. I’m wondering if anyone knows what might be dropping my KH? I’m guessing the answer is to change water more frequently, but I’d love to know if there is another answer.
  12. Hi everyone, I want to try and polish my aquarium water because it has a lot of small particles clouding it up. I would order a Co Op polishing pad, but I don’t want to buy just one thing that’s so small. Has anyone had success with polyfil? I know you don’t want ones with added chemicals, but I was wondering if anyone could share a link or photo of a specific item that they’ve used that was safe for they’re aquarium.
  13. Would you mind sharing a link or photo of the ink bird model you use?
  14. Having the same problem. Just lost the heater on my 10 gal and now am looking for something.
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