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What are these little creatures??

Flyin Jawaiian

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Aloha guys I’m in need of some assistance. I have two spawn tanks currently operating and it seems to be going perfectly fine. Just this morning I switched my smaller led tank light for a larger dimmable light to keep track of the frys progress and I noticed my tank seemed to be slightly cloudy with little white dots. Upon closer inspection I noticed they were moving similar to a copepod but it leaves me puzzled on where they came from? I did full cycles on both tanks before starting, and all my deco are either new of has sat out in the sun for years before being washed and reintroduced. I also noticed on the glass there are what seems to be little worms as well any idea to what these are and if they’re harmless to my fry or bettas? 



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You are so lucky! This is exactly what betta fry need. You will still need to hatch baby brine shrimp, but you are off to good start with all the cool micro-life in your betta tank.

Copepods can show up at anytime. When the water drys up copepods lay drought resistant eggs that can hatch later when the water comes back. Just like brine shrimp.

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Thank you guys soo much for the input! Do you guys know what the worms on the glass is as well? Are they harmless as well? This Makes me feel so much better that I’ve been doing everything I can possibly do right. I was starting to freak out on the fry food as well, I have bbs eggs ready to hatch but I’m waiting on my shipment of vinegar eels, banana worms and micro worms to start cultures. 

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29 minutes ago, HanaHoo808 said:

How would I be able to tell if they’re planaria??

Planaria have a very distinctive head shape with readily visible eyespots. Compare some pictures from Google to your pictures and the difference will be immediately obvious.

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