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LFS Chemistry Findings *** WHAT DO I DO?*****

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I just brought home some new corydora cat fish, and placed them in the QT tank. I decided to check the LFS's water to see what his parameters were. I know that he uses RO water, and also noted a dead fish in the tank (that was alive on Monday) when I picked them up today. 

See the pictures below. These are no where close to my parameters and I am FREAKING OUT... Are they going to all die? I also did his GH which I got 13 drops before it changed color, and the KH well.. it was NEVER BLUE, and took 4 drops to go yellow (stayed completely CLEAR till it turned light yellow).

Is there anything can do? Is it too late? 

Here are my parameters:

PH 7.4

Ammonia, 0ppm

Nitrites, 0ppm

Nitrates, 0ppm



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@Brandy I don't have RO water here. I would have to travel 30 min to the store and he is closed. I did however just add another air stone to help. They seem okay right now, my tank got warm again, I have a thermometer is supposed to be the right size for that tank and its adjustable, but I think because I have a glass top its making it too warm. I took the plastic piece off the back to allow more air to flow and help with the temp. I will check the temp again in 30 min. 

Thank you so much for the reassurance. I would be mortified if they died. Should I tell the LFS owner about his chemistry? or will I sound like a jerk.. I mean after all .. I am a rookie.. 


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4 minutes ago, Sandra the fish rookie said:

@Brandy I don't have RO water here. I would have to travel 30 min to the store and he is closed. I did however just add another air stone to help. They seem okay right now, my tank got warm again, I have a thermometer is supposed to be the right size for that tank and its adjustable, but I think because I have a glass top its making it too warm. I took the plastic piece off the back to allow more air to flow and help with the temp. I will check the temp again in 30 min. 

Thank you so much for the reassurance. I would be mortified if they died. Should I tell the LFS owner about his chemistry? or will I sound like a jerk.. I mean after all .. I am a rookie.. 


Regular distilled water? maybe for your iron? I really wouldn't worry. If they start flashing it means their sides are itchy--that is what you would likely see if the ph and other parameters start bugging them. Corys are pretty adaptable though.


Don't bother the LFS--he likely knows, and may or may not be in the process of fixing it. 

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So far, they seem to be okay. The pepper corydora's are quiet (just like my first one was when I got him) but they are swimming around but are calm. The albino's are exactly like the one I have .. spazo's.. zipping round, all over the place.. take a few second power nap, and begin to eat what the filter is growing.. yum

Now as for feeding.. When should I even attemp to feed them? should I fast them? 

@Brandy DUH.. Distilled water.. I can run to the store and get some.. I am an idiot.. sorry.. I should have known.. Can you tell I have no idea what I am doing? I am have a tall glass of wine LOL.. 

Working in the ER was less stressful than this.. haha

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