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German Ram - Lip Spot

Melissa Ann

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Hi my fish heroes and gurus.  

I just got home from work so haven't had a chance to test water yet but wanted to get a pic up pronto to see if anyone has ideas on what appears (not sure) to be a whitish tuft/spot on this guy’s mouth?   Want to treat ASAP if needed.   Been doing daily water changes since I got these guys last week.  Other fish have no seen areas like this on them anywhere.  Been watching ‘em like a hawk.  This is my ichy tank that I treated with Ich-x and heated high for 3 weeks. 




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It looks like it could be fungus growing on the lip, but it is also possible that it could be bacterial. For this I would treat using Melafix and Pimafix together. When using both, they can take on both fungus and bacteria. In my experience, understanding, they are plant safe too. This is just my best guess, I would be helpful to have a clearer up close picture of the spot. 👍

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20 minutes ago, Melissa Ann said:

 I have metroplex and focus on hand.  Think that is an okay combo?


6 minutes ago, Colu said:

Does look like a  fungal infection I  have use melafix and pimafix before in my experience they are only good at treating minor injury nothing more serious I would. Treat with API fungus cure and maracyn just in case its some from of bacterial infection

I am not sure as those (metroplex and focus) don't look like they would treat it as a fungus, those appear to be for parasites and bacteria. I would agree with Colu, API fungus cure is pretty reliable, I haven't had any personal experience with maracyn so I can't give an opinion on it. Whenever I mix medications, I usually go for same brand names. They usually formulate them to work with their own products. 




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Thanks so much guys. I think I have PTSD from my ich experience.  lol

Here’s better photo(s).

Water parameters aren’t great at all tonight, but this tank is still finishing off a cycle from some colonized ceramic media and a sponge filter that I used (from healthy tank) to try and more quickly cycle.  Due to a timing issue after ordering some new fish from Imperial Tropicals. 

ph: 7.6

NH3/NH4:  .25

NO2:  .50

NO3:  5.0

Temp: 81.5





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@Melissa Ann 

1 hour ago, Melissa Ann said:

I have General Cure and Marcyn on hand.  I’ll give that a go.  Thanks more than you know!

General cure's situation is the same with the metroplex, you NEED anti fungal medication, general cure and metroplex are for parasites. There is fungus cure, Ich-x is really good too, and salt baths. 


Edited by Keeg
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10 hours ago, Melissa Ann said:

 The word Ich-X makes me want to puke after what I just went through.  You thinking Ich?  If so please let me know.  

I totally get the feeling but with velvet 🤢. I don't think it is ich, but the medication "ich-x" can be used to treat fungal infections. I personally never had a large fungus infection in a fish, when I had small ones in just used melafix, I am recommending ich-x as the medication you need, because your fish looks like it has a lot and aquarium co-op is advocating for its usefulness. I'm including the link, https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/fish-fungus?_pos=1&_sid=7d75e2de5&_ss=r . The sooner you can get medication, the better chances you'll have🤞

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@keeg @Colu-  so little guy bit the dust today.  Everyone else looks fine currently (pics below).   Using Maracyn and Ich-x and heat at 82.    BUT.....whatever this was/is literally ate his mouth away.  Photos below as well.   So worried.   I really need help here.  Any ideas on what this is?   Can columnaris do this?

@Cory if available ?   

I’ve never had sick tanks/fish before and I am just at a loss.  And growing weary.   😔





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It could be I type of fish mycobacteria that has eaten away the tissue around the mouth I would treat the main tank with maracyn as a procaution maracyn treats gram positive bacterial infection but it could be have been  a gram negative bacterial infection if that the case  maracyn2 or kanaplex is what what you won't to treat with

Edited by Colu
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@Melissa Ann I am sorry for your loss. These things happen and it is best if we learn from these experiences for future reference. I did not realize how small he actually was! I agree with colu, it is quite possible it was a bacteria. I would keep an eye on the rest of the tank to see if anyone else shows similar symptoms. Again, sorry for your loss 😞 S.I.P 

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