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help save my baby fish please


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images of fish: https://imgur.com/a/Ayb5c69

My fish is really sick. His top fin is completely gone now. He has a bright red spot inside of him. I treated the water with Furan-2 for 4 days and did a water change every day I added medicine. I dont know how much longer he will make it. Someone please help me asap


Thank you

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So sorry to hear that. We'll need more information in order to help you:

1) What kind of fish is he?

2) What are your water parameters? Ph, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, hardness.

3) What's your tank size? Do you have plants and other animals to consider during treatment?

4) Did anything happen recently to prompt this illness?

5) I'm not familiar with Furan. Do the instructions say to change water with every application?

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@berniey very sorry to hear about your fish. Once sickness gets too far along, it is sometimes not possible for them to pull through, regardless of how much medicine you treat them with. What is the species? It looks like a killifish . . . but maybe something else really emaciated? I wonder what the chemistry difference between API Furan-2 vs API Fin & Body? 

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3 hours ago, Fish Folk said:

@berniey very sorry to hear about your fish. Once sickness gets too far along, it is sometimes not possible for them to pull through, regardless of how much medicine you treat them with. What is the species? It looks like a killifish . . . but maybe something else really emaciated? I wonder what the chemistry difference between API Furan-2 vs API Fin & Body? 

Thanks for your response. Yes he is a steel blue killifish. I'm not sure if I should try melafix? It seems people said that could help. Idk if its to late to help him or what I should do.:(

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3 hours ago, James Black said:

What are your water parameters?

I have the api 5 in 1 test strips and everything seems to be okay. But idk how accurate it always is so I ordered the master freshwater test kit 4 days ago. Should be here by the 8th. So I hope he makes it till then and I can do a more accurate water test and see if there's anything I can do.


Thx for the response

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4 hours ago, Colu said:

Looking at the reddening of the gills and fin rot I would treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and maracyn looks like a secondary bacteria infection on top of the fin rot

Agreed! If you have a separate tank to treat him, you might be able to target the problem better. When you end up with fin rot on a fish, one thing to do is back up as try to diagnose how you have have gotten where you are. If he came with the sickness, perhaps there is something about his routine that is exacerbating the problem. Normally . . . is there the possibility that he is being overfed? Is there a good weekly water maintenance schedule? Are other fish being aggressive towards him? 

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