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Fish Breeding - February 2021

Fish Folk

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Lots of fish breeding in the fishroom. Most of these are accidental or incidental. We raise fry, and sell to offset the hobby provided that fish end up healthy. There are always a few fish that we focus on for BAP (breeders award program) with our Fish Club. In this video . . . we're slowly working with some mop-spawning Emerald killifish (Fundulopanchax Scheeli), pulling eggs from some Opal Rams that have spawned in a large community tank (Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi), our first little haul of cherry shrimp (Neocaridina), surprise discovery of Bristlenose Pleco fry inside a conch shell (Ancistrus),  Tangerine Painted Lyretail Mollies for BAP (Poecilia sphenops), and some fry from our CARES species - Xenotoca doadrioi (Splitfin Red tailed Goodeids). 


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I don't know a heck of a lot about fish breeding, I have a few month old breeding colony of cherry shrimp and I bred kribs a couple years ago with decent success. I wasn't aware of this technique of using a shrimp as a "nurse" for eggs. How cool is that? I'm wanting to start breeding some rainbowfish soon. Think putting a cherry shrimp in with the eggs is a good idea?

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1 hour ago, Mike_M said:

I'm wanting to start breeding some rainbowfish soon. Think putting a cherry shrimp in with the eggs is a good idea?

I don’t know... I’d probably ask LRB Aquatics, or Bentley Pascoe. We learned it from Killifish breeders in MAKO. 

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On 2/7/2021 at 5:40 PM, Mike_M said:

I don't know a heck of a lot about fish breeding, I have a few month old breeding colony of cherry shrimp and I bred kribs a couple years ago with decent success. I wasn't aware of this technique of using a shrimp as a "nurse" for eggs. How cool is that? I'm wanting to start breeding some rainbowfish soon. Think putting a cherry shrimp in with the eggs is a good idea?

I've had no problem hatching rainbowfish eggs.  Raising the fry is the work.   They are SMALL and grow SLOW.  

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