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Pleco and waterchange


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So today I did my second waterchange with fish on new planted tank. Tank was up and running fishless for a few weeks with lots of water changes. First time I waterchange everything was normal pleco left the wood when the water got too low.  Today I didn’t notice that the pleco held his ground and was left high and dry. I panicked and tried to get the little bugger out of there but he was fully wedge. I upturned the wood to submerge the pleco again and he just stayed in the same place. Figuring nothing else to do I filled back the tank and started doing research on how long a pleco can stay out of water.  Found out over 7 hours if kept damp , so feeling a bit better. I’ll be happy when I see him roaming around the tank today


 The question is next week when I do a water change do I just let the pleco go high and dry or try something else?

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Ooo I’ve not heard this happening before, but I feel like the same thing could happen to any suckermouths. Whenever I noticed my Whiptails/Oto’s near the water line when draining a tank, they seem to swim downwards themselves, so I figure a Pleco would do the same if it felt distressed?


Hopefully a Pleco keeper will chime in 🙂

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