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Center Piece Fish


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So I am planning out a tank and have already decided on most of the fish but am looking for ideas for a center piece fish. Its a ten gallon planted tank and I am already getting 2 nerite snails, 10 chili rasboras, 6 black neon tetras and some blue velvet shrimp but am wondering if there is a really colorful solo fish I could get. Betta? Guppy? Thoughts?

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I've seen numerous people report that their bettas ate their neocardinia shrimp. If your tank is well-planted, so the shrimp can hide when they need to, a betta might work. Same with something like a honey gourami. Honeys are usually very peaceful fish, so one wouldn't harass the rasboras or tetras. And their bright honey color would be a nice contrast with the other fish you're talking about.

Something else that might work - a male or pair of killifish. They come in some really nice colors, and they stay small.

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I don't know for sure one way or the other. I'd say yes on shrimplets, maybe on adults. Fish will be fish, and that means they'll eat pretty much anything that fits in their mouths. Doesn't matter how peaceful they are, it's just nature.

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If you watch your parameters closely. You can get away with a heavily stocked tank. For a while (over a year) I had a 10 gal with tons of java moss water sprite and duckweed and something like 100 plus guppies (they bread like crazy I didn't intend on having that many in that tank) but the water held fine and all the fish seemed healthy and happy untill I took down the tank (we had to move) at the same time I had a heavily planted 29 gallon with green eyed tetras hill stream loaches neon tetras trumpet snails cherry shrimp rasboras nerite snails mystery snails chinese alge eaters and a half moon betta. I cant say for a fact that the betta wasn't eating the baby shrimp but I can say they were breeding faster than the betta could eat the babies. And he never seemed to bother the adults. So with the right personality I think a betta would work. I would personally go with a shorter fin variety if I would go back and do it again. Kili fish may be a good pop of color too

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