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Looking for stocking advice!


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Which should I add to my 20 gal tank next?
Temp: 75 degrees, pH: 7.2, a HOB filter and a sponge filter

I currently have 3 HG and a bunch of 1-2 week old HG fry in a box.
Tomorrow I will be getting: 2 mystery snails, 7 neocardinia shrimp, and 3 amano shrimp (granted the LFS has them).
Which of the fish that I want to eventually add should I get next:
- CPDs (I definitely want eventually) [8+]
- Pygmy corys [6+] OR otocinclus catfish [6+]
- Chili rasbora [8], Endlers LB [5], OR Rummynose tetras [8]
Long version:
Currently I have 3 honey gourami and a bunch of tiny honey gourami fry in the fry box that I will move to a different tank if/when they survive to a little older.
Tomorrow I am going to my LFS and getting 1-2 mystery snails, 7 neocardinia, and possibly a few amano.
I also want to get more fish. In the end for fish I want my HG, the CPDs, and either pygmy corys or otocinclus, but I also want either some chili rasboras, endlers, or rummynose tetras.
I did the calculations on aqadvisor.com and won't be using any combinations of the above numbers that would stock my tank above 85% (mostly around 80%) so stocking level shouldn't be a problem it's more so a concern of what order to add the fish.

My entire goal with this tank is centered around a natural, wild theme with celestial pearl danios because they look like tiny trout. I got and planted the plants about a week or two ago, but they have not yet grown out so the tank is still kinda sparse if I were to take out the two large fake plants (I included what it looked like before the plants and fry box).
I will be quarantining any of the new fish for a couple of weeks in a 10 gallon so my plants should have time to fill out in the meantime I think?
I've included a picture of my tank just after adding the gouramis and a more recent one after being planted + the fry box.



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Can vouch for the CPDs, absolute treat to watch their behavior. Easily spawned within 2 weeks of being in my tank too! After that I would say the corys and otos, as they fill a different role in the tank, whereas the rest would be similar to the CPDs.

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6 hours ago, Jaesthetic said:
Which of the fish that I want to eventually add should I get next:
- CPDs (I definitely want eventually) [8+]
- Pygmy corys [6+] OR otocinclus catfish [6+]
- Chili rasbora [8], Endlers LB [5], OR Rummynose tetras [8]

Since you have the honey gourami already, you could do the pygmy corys or otos or even some kuhli loaches. 
Personally, I would only do one group out of the others you listed though. I think doing several of those would take away from the appeal of each fish and make the tank too busy overall. 

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