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discus had not been vissible eating and leaving his food just laying wear it lands but he has been like this for about 3 or 4 days and i was just looking for advice ive been feeding flakes and frozen blood worms any idea what i can do to help the fish 

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Cichlids in general tend to be pretty smart fish and smart fish can have emotional issues. Oscars can go into a funk that lasts for days. Assuming your water parameters are all good (no ammonia, normal temperature, etc.) then this could just be your fish having an emotional issue. You say the food just lies there, which implies there aren't other fish in the tank. Discus are a schooling fish. They're at their best when kept in a group. If he's/she's in a tank all alone, he/she may just be stressed out and in a funk. Stressed out fish secrete cortisol and if the cortisol levels in your tank get high that increases the stress on your fish which in turn secretes more cortisol which further increases the amount of cortisol in the water.  A big water change may help. It would reduce whatever cortisol level there might be in the tank and any unknown issues with contamination. He/she could also just be bored with the same old food and want some variety. Garlic is said to increase a fish's appetite and boost them in other ways also, so maybe try a food that has garlic mixed in with it.

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