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Mollie, columinaris, 2 Questions


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I recently moved all of my new thoroughly quarantined fish to my display tank. About a day/two days later 1 of 4 mollies had the white cottony muck around his eyes and a few spots on his body, also clamped fins. 

I treated with two days of a five day run of maracyn. My locals dont carry maracyn. He improved day one and looks/acts completely normal day 2. Currently awaiting a shipment of maracyn

Do i do nothing when it arrives if he still looks/acts healthy. Do I start a new 5 day treatment (I bought enough to treat my display tank, rather than my ten gallon QT/hospital tank. Supply on hand was appropriate for hospital tank. These fish were quarantined/med trio'd/and observed for 30+ days before moving to display tank).

I'm assuming by the time i see 1 sick fish its too late to ahem, fish him out, and treat him separately - looking for guidance on this particular question. Tons of research has never really addressed this question. Its always how to treat/diagnose, never yes, remove the sick fish/no, its too late.

So, when do you quarantine vs when do you treat the whole crowd?

And, if you run out of antibiotics do you restart the recommended 5 day when supplies arrive or let it go if the fish are acting/looking/behaving/eating/pooing healthy?

30 gallons, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 ppm nitrate, 7.6pH, 77F, many live plants, corys, tetras, mollies, 1 dwarf blue gourami, blue mystery snail. 

Thanks in advance to the smart, learned, generous, helpful folks who took the time to respond. 

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Agree with @Colu . I believe the med’s box says to continue even if the fish start to look better. If you run out and have to get more, I would start over. It can be hard to get meds sometimes. I had to order Maracyn and Paracleanse from the Co-op a couple of weeks ago and they got them to me in under two days. 

As for the question on dosing the tank versus dosing a QT. I would move the fish to the QT for treatment unless you start to see the illness afflict other inhabitants. It can be costly to treat a display tank, but if you have a recurring problem I would treat all of the fish. 

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23 minutes ago, Mitch Norton said:

Agree with @Colu . I believe the med’s box says to continue even if the fish start to look better. If you run out and have to get more, I would start over. It can be hard to get meds sometimes. I had to order Maracyn and Paracleanse from the Co-op a couple of weeks ago and they got them to me in under two days. 

As for the question on dosing the tank versus dosing a QT. I would move the fish to the QT for treatment unless you start to see the illness afflict other inhabitants. It can be costly to treat a display tank, but if you have a recurring problem I would treat all of the fish. 

Thank you for your reply. I will restart the five day treatment. Thank you for addressing quarantine. The other fish,  including mollies showed no signs, but i feel like "it's in the water" more so than "it's in the fish" so assumed id be treating a quarantined fish and eventually tankmates anyway. Perhaps this is the wrong way of thinking. Treating in isolation is definitely more cost effective. I also worry about further stressing the sick fish with the net/transfer. Again, thank you for your insight.

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I think the plants will be fine with a very mild addition of salt. I have some plants (Hornwort, water sprite, guppy grass) that seem to have no negative effects from the salt I add it. I do a teaspoon per 5 gallons (very, very small amount) at each water change. I have mollies and platies.

If I notice a fish isn't acting normally, or showing signs of something, I usually double t-to-triple that dose (still a very small amount), again with no ill-effects on the plants.

I think you have a reasonable tolerance window to work with when it comes to plants and salt. I would start small, and see how it goes. You may notice positive results very soon, especially since you currently use none.

As for snails/Cories....I have no experience there. Sorry.

Edited by quikv6
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Cories do fine with a small dose. I wouldn’t take them beyond 1 tbs per 2 gallon. The snails on the other hand will not tolerate it at all from what I understand. I would not salt the tank. 

I know many plants can tolerate a small amount of salt, but I have no idea which ones or how much. I only use salt in my QT tank. 

Here is a great blog on the use of salt for medication: 


Should aquarium salt be used in freshwater tanks? Some people recommend dosing it all the time to...


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