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Aquarium Filter Questions for college final


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Hey guys I have an school project where I need to ask people six questions I came up with about aquarium filters and I figured Id ask them here. Thanks for you help if you do answer them.
Do the looks of Hang on Back, Canister filters, or sponge filters bother you, if so why?
What function would you want to add to Hang on back or Canister filters?
How often and why do you clean your hang on Back or Canister filter?
How do you clean your Canister or Hang on Back filter?
(is their something specific that bothers you about this process)
What types of filter media do you put in your Hang on Back or canister filter, why?
In what ways do you modify your Hang on Back or Canister Filter?
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1) The spongefilter can bother me, it depends on the aquarium

2) If the aquaclear could turn back on by itself after a power outage.

3) I clean my filters once every other week during water changes.

4) I soak and squeeze the sponge and media in dirty tank water

5) Carbon, sponge, AquaClear Bio Max

6) add a prefilter and sometimes add more media then supposed to 

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1.  Anything that is not part of the a natural world created in the aquarium bothers me.  That is why we try to hide the plumbing.
2.  A heater and  an on/off switch on top of the filter.
3.  I don't except for inspecting and cleaning the impeller one or twice a year and an occasional filter wash or change,  
4.  With water and a tooth brush. 
4a. The filters are not on separate switches so I either turn everything off or I go fishing for the plug.  
5.  Modified filter cartridges or sponge.  HOB filters are grossly over priced and easy to modify.
6.  The Aqueon filters I use either came with parts missing or a design flaw.  The filter rests against the side of the housing on the output side. This results in water flowing thru less than a quarter of the media, or bypassing the media all together.  A piece of sponge wedged between the housing and the filter on the output side allows the water to flow thru all of the filter media, and provides additional media for the good bacteria.
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1 hour ago, Tanked said:
1.  Anything that is not part of the a natural world created in the aquarium bothers me.  That is why we try to hide the plumbing.
2.  A heater and  an on/off switch on top of the filter.
3.  I don't except for inspecting and cleaning the impeller one or twice a year and an occasional filter wash or change,  
4.  With water and a tooth brush. 
4a. The filters are not on separate switches so I either turn everything off or I go fishing for the plug.  
5.  Modified filter cartridges or sponge.  HOB filters are grossly over priced and easy to modify.
6.  The Aqueon filters I use either came with parts missing or a design flaw.  The filter rests against the side of the housing on the output side. This results in water flowing thru less than a quarter of the media, or bypassing the media all together.  A piece of sponge wedged between the housing and the filter on the output side allows the water to flow thru all of the filter media, and provides additional media for the good bacteria.

Thanks for the response can I also get a quick quote about why you like fish keeping? Also any interests or hobbies? (these are supposed to "prove" I talked to people rather than just made up people) If you also feel comfortable to give me a name as well, i understand if you dont want too.


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Do the looks of Hang on Back, Canister filters, or sponge filters bother you, if so why? 
I don't mind the looks of any of them, however, depending on the position in my room I might choose one over the other for space reasons, for instance a HOB requires clearance behind or beside the tank which may not be available.
What function would you want to add to Hang on back or Canister filters? Always a prefilter sponge--both for filtration and to exclude shrimp and fry.
How often and why do you clean your hang on Back or Canister filter? I clean often, due to overstocking, sometimes 2-4x/ month. I clean when I see a reduction in flow or an increase in particulates in the water.
How do you clean your Canister or Hang on Back filter? I rinse components in tank water, check and clean the impeller, and reassemble.
(is their something specific that bothers you about this process) It is messy and a pain--for my canister. After it tends to murk up the water as residual particulates in the line are released in the tank. It clears rapidly though.
What types of filter media do you put in your Hang on Back or canister filter, why? Sponge and floss mostly, and polishing pads. I am mostly trying to reduce particulates in the water.
In what ways do you modify your Hang on Back or Canister Filter? I never leave the carbon in, because I want the fertilizer to stay in the water, and I usually cut my own media/floss rather than purchasing cartridges.

Thanks for the response can I also get a quick quote about why you like fish keeping? I like the art of a tank, creating a tiny world that I control, which looks like a box of nature or a living diorama. I also like selectively breeding fish, and I like that they are interactive pets that aren't super demanding. I can put in as much or as little effort as I want

Also any interests or hobbies? I sail, hike, and read a lot, paint...and I like anything to do with science, which is also my job. 

(these are supposed to "prove" I talked to people rather than just made up people) ah, teachers. seriously? you have a written public record. include a link to this post. 🙂

If you also feel comfortable to give me a name as well, i understand if you dont want too. Include a link and our screen names I think.

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19 hours ago, Zach S said:
Do the looks of Hang on Back, Canister filters, or sponge filters bother you, if so why?
No, because I understand their importance to my controlled ecosystem. Although I do what I can to hide them. I do wish I had bought smaller sponge filters so I had more space for plants. 
What function would you want to add to Hang on back or Canister filters?
I love the idea of a heater in the filter. I like filters that are customizable.
How often and why do you clean your hang on Back or Canister filter?
I currently clean my canister filter every other month. It is pretty dirty by then and I want to maximize flow. 
How do you clean your Canister or Hang on Back filter?
(is their something specific that bothers you about this process)
I take the media out and rinse it in the tank water that I took out during a water change. When I dump the water I first rinse out the canister with the water from the water change. 
Nothing about the process bothers me, but it can be a cold process in the winter. 
What types of filter media do you put in your Hang on Back or canister filter, why?
Course sponge, Medium sponge, polyfiber, and bio rings. 
In what ways do you modify your Hang on Back or Canister Filter?
I am thinking about making my own spray bar  the one that came with my canister sits too low in my tank  I filled the trays with my selection of media.


Edited by Mitch Norton
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21 hours ago, Zach S said:

Thanks for the response can I also get a quick quote about why you like fish keeping? Also any interests or hobbies? (these are supposed to "prove" I talked to people rather than just made up people) If you also feel comfortable to give me a name as well, i understand if you dont want too.


Why do I keep fish?

I don't have to worry about stepping in fish poop.  It is easier to maintain an emotional and physical detachment from fish    We provide the best possible world that we can for them to live in, and  they don't criticize.  They provide an ongoing learning experience and creative outlet.  Fish keeping in most situations allows us to eliminate seasonal concerns about their care. and our enjoyment.  Fish keeping is also a hobby where you control just how expensive and time consuming the hobby gets. 

I am interested in almost everything, primarily anything out of doors.  

You already have my screen name, otherwise Dan I am.🙂

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