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Ugly, ugly snails have got to go


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@Marc those are Gyraulus snails, from the same family as the typical Ramshorn snails that people are used to seeing, but different genus. I've seen them called false Ramshorns, Mini Ramshorns, in my house they are puffer snacks. They are also bulletproof little buggers. Assassin snails can take them out pretty easily, provided they can keep up with them. They multiply like crazy. 

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3 hours ago, Lynze said:

@Marc those are Gyraulus snails, from the same family as the typical Ramshorn snails that people are used to seeing, but different genus. I've seen them called false Ramshorns, Mini Ramshorns, in my house they are puffer snacks. They are also bulletproof little buggers. Assassin snails can take them out pretty easily, provided they can keep up with them. They multiply like crazy. 

Yes they multiply like crazy in this 15g tank, I get rid of at least 50 a week and there are always more. I fear they are outcompeting the corydora fry in the tank, I may go with the assassin snails and see if they can make a dent. I don't mind some, but these just don't stop coming.

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