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Is HOB needed with sponge filters?


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Sorry for another noob question....I have a 55g that is in beginning stages of initial (fish in) cycle.  Ammonia currently at 2ppm and haven't spiked nitrites yet.  Anyway, LFS steered me wrong and I am correcting now before I get any further.  So, just installed (2) of Aquarium Co-op's large sponge filters.  My question is this.....do I need to run a HOB in addition to the sponge filters?  I would like to run just the two sponge filters if possible and perhaps add another plain airstone bar thing down the road.  Thank you for any advice.  

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Perfect!!  That's exactly what I was hoping for.  When I had my saltwater reef aquarium years ago, I was able to keep my fish and corals all in a perfectly balanced "natural" state without a bunch of artificial assistance, of course I had some.  I'd like to eventually be able to do the same with this freshwater tank.  Maybe in a year or so, I'll try my hand at adding some plants 🙂. But for now, I just want to get through the cycle and get things done right.  

So with water changes (after cycle) to keep the parameters in check, the sponge filters will handle a fair bio load from larger fish?  Would eventually like to keep a small school of angels.

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