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230 Gallon African Cichlid Planted Aquarium


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I've decided to try and keep a journal of this aquarium. It's been in stasis for probably the last 18 months.

A couple days ago, I finally started putting things into action.


I moved the colony of Psudotropheus Saulosi from the 40 breeder to the tank. These were bred by @Zenzo and shipped to me. It's my hope that this will be the successful attempt. The last 5 or so times I've attempted to create a colony of Saulosi, I've given up after a year or so. I end up with 1 male, a few undercolored males and a bunch of yellow fish.

The goal is to have a nice mix of blue and yellow fish. For the hardscape, I decided to bring back the lava rock with the holes. It's just so easy to use for cichlids that want caves, fry and as biological filtration. Not to mention you can just stick potted plants into the holes.

I decided to do a "island" scape where there is one island in the center of this tank. The tank is almost 7 ft long and 30 inches front to back.  Only about 20 inches tall. If I cover the top of the lava rocks with Java Fern, should be a hardy enough plant to survive the cichlids, and not require much fertilizer.

I'd say honestly this post is mostly to keep me honest and continue to work on it instead of abandoning it. Even if the Java ferns don't work out, I've had success with other plants and african cichlids in the past.

I'm also considering adding other fish as I love to mix african with rainbows or bigger tetras as well.

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A picture from yesterday after it had cleared up for 24 hours. I ordered 15 more pots of Java fern to plant. I only had 2 that weren't being used in other tanks really.


On 10/20/2024 at 2:21 PM, GoofyGarra said:

Looking foward and following, I love seeing the fishroom content.

Just curious, will this be updated in parallel with videos, extra to videos, ahead of videos?

I'm not sure. I've kinda gotten away from building things on video lately. It just prevents me from actually doing. I spend too much time trying to show instead of do.

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