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What is (or was) your favorite fish tank?


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My 55 gallon planted "nano tank". It's stocked with neocaridina shrimp & various nano fish. The goal was nothing larger than an adult shrimp.

The nano fish currently in there are 40-50 chili rasboras, about 40 pygmy cories, & a few dozen each of emerald dwarf rasboras & celestial pearl danios. As the CPDs & emeralds die off from old age I'll need to decide what will replace them.

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My “favorite” tank changes all the time. Sometimes it’s my 29 Pea Puffer tank. At other times it’s my 29 Blackwater tank. Sometimes it’s my 55 gallon Angelfish tank. Every once in a while it’s my dirted, no filter cube. 

Currently, I would say it’s my 20 long that I redid. Dirted the bottom with a trio of Crypts in the back. No rocks, but a few pieces of Spiderwood. Spiderwood is covered in Anubias and Buce. I’m cranking the co2 hard in this tank, and it’s been a lot of fun. The idea was “easy plants”, but give them unlimited nutrients in the substrate with the dirt and crank the co2 and see what happens. Crypts are starting to crush, Anubias are flowering, and the 6 or 7 Buce species are taking hold and throwing new leaves. It’s pretty funny to see some Anubias pearling, and I love it. 

I have yet to stock it (besides the shrimp and snails currently in there) as I’m waiting for the LFS to bring in some Apistogramma Borellii for me. They hit me up and said they had some Panduro’s, but I think I’m gonna hold out for the Borellii. Once I get those I need to decide what Pencilfish I want. I go back and forth between Diptail, Dwarf, or some Cenepa Red. I really wanna do the Cenepa Red, but they’re expensive and idk how the Apistos will handle them. 

I took this picture tonight. It’s cool to me that the Buce is throwing new leaves and they’re red, but will settle to the darker green. 


The most recent full tank shot I have. I’ve added more Buce since I took this picture and things are really starting to take off. This picture was probably 3 or 4 weeks ago. The Anubias is flowering in this picture, and I always love to see underwater flowers. 

This tank has been a lot of fun and combines a lot of skills (dirt, cranking co2, etc) I’ve gained over the past 4 years of playing with my tanks. I had a whole plan for this tank and then executed it, instead of having a loose plan and seeing what worked. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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At the moment, one of my 20 long aquariums. I recently rescaped it by adding a lot of Anubias and Ambulia. I also added a lighter sand on top of the black sand so I could see my Corys better. I added a group of CPDs to join my golden minnows and female koi Betta. It's a work in progress, but I'm enjoying this one most of all (7) the tanks. Charlietank1.jpg.dcc3665b7d3f29b3d5e5d709dc755c6e.jpgCharlietankcpd.jpg.102d7d6c83ca6dff5cae6fb57bc18f9b.jpgCharlietankIris.jpg.1815b5bd1af0b443d2193d5d275c1904.jpg

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My favorite fish is my red wolf fish. He spends most of the time in his driftwood hideout but he comes out every once in a while he comes out and some nights he patrols the surface. Every once in a while I feed him some insects or ghost shrimp and he will swim up to the ghost shrimp and get ready to eat it while looking at it.

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When I first got into aquariums 50 years ago an old-timer warned me that once you're hooked, you always want to go bigger and have more tanks. So far, I'm resisting the urge. My favorite was the one I built myself 30 years ago - from a 8x4 foot left-over sheet of 3/4 inch oak plywood. It was basically a wooden cabinet with a glass front. Fiberglassed inside, epoxied, with a drain through the floor of the tank. It had a canister filter, and the only thing showing inside the tank was the heater. Really cool. Had to give it away when I moved...

Now I have a 65 gallon tank in a space between the living room and dining room. Most perfect place I have ever had. I see it every day. When I read all the posts of people with multiple tanks - even "tank rooms" I'm somewhat jealous, but also think I'd be overwhelmed having to look after so many tanks! I once had two of them at the same time but found that it was just too much up-keep, and I didn't have time to enjoy them both. I would love to hear fom others how they manage multiple tanks (and have a LIFE).

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Each of my 4 active tanks is significantly different from the others in its own way, so I have actually have two favorites.

The 75 is pretty plain:  white pea gravel, a large red volcanic rock, a plastic plant, and the TFBs endlessly patrolling, gazing at their reflections or trying to figure out how to get past the fence in one corner that protects the only plants that they haven't eaten. 

The 29 is pretty much the exact opposite:  brownish aquarium gravel, A lot of plants, small rocks, tetras, SAEs, color, and activity.  The 29 also is on a  WIFI camera that I can watch from any tv or my cell.


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On 10/14/2024 at 4:35 PM, Bubbletrouble said:

When I read all the posts of people with multiple tanks - even "tank rooms" I'm somewhat jealous, but also think I'd be overwhelmed having to look after so many tanks! I once had two of them at the same time but found that it was just too much up-keep, and I didn't have time to enjoy them both. I would love to hear fom others how they manage multiple tanks (and have a LIFE).

I have 14 tanks and work 60+ hours each week, lol. 

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On 10/14/2024 at 6:18 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I have 14 tanks and work 60+ hours each week, lol. 

Wow. How do you manage all that? You must have a written schedule for each tank.  - Feeding alone must be a chore. Aquariums are not like a collection of inanimate objects like coins or stamps. Those you can "neglect" for a few weeks if you don't feel like it, but aquariums contain living, breathing creatures which need daily attention.

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On 10/14/2024 at 8:05 AM, Scaperoot said:

At the moment, one of my 20 long aquariums. I recently rescaped it by adding a lot of Anubias and Ambulia. I also added a lighter sand on top of the black sand so I could see my Corys better. I added a group of CPDs to join my golden minnows and female koi Betta. It's a work in progress, but I'm enjoying this one most of all (7) the tanks. Charlietank1.jpg.dcc3665b7d3f29b3d5e5d709dc755c6e.jpgCharlietankcpd.jpg.102d7d6c83ca6dff5cae6fb57bc18f9b.jpgCharlietankIris.jpg.1815b5bd1af0b443d2193d5d275c1904.jpg

That betta is living the life

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This is my 75G planted tank. This is probably when it looked its best about 2 years ago. I will post a pic of what it looks like now when I get home. I am having issues where my stem plants won't grow anymore and my anubias leaves are kind of shriveled. The root feeders are doing great though.  I just don't really understand why I am having these issue since the stem plants used to grow like crazy.  I am thinking of adding a wonder shell but the water is already hard so I am a little nervous about that.IMG_4582.jpeg.98ff6690d6a0371ba9626a1d859edbca.jpeg

Edited by NOLANANO
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On 10/14/2024 at 6:02 PM, Alex B said:

Currently, my 10 gallon (pics taken right now).

That being said, I think my next one - either a 29 or a 55/75 - is going to be much better and claim the top spot. Hoping to set it up in the next couple years.





Those are some nice apistogramma!

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