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Planted 20 gallon long and future updates for it

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Hey all,

I started setting up this 20gal long tank a couple weeks ago. Just added some dwarf mondo grass (just noticed some of those need to have roots inserted into substrate better in my photos- I'm in bed, I'll do it tomorrow) and crypt pink flamingo this evening and figured I'd get photos to document it.

The water is a little cloudy- awaiting a Water Polishing Filter Pad that I will cut to size and attach to the sponge filter to help with that. 

I'll continue to update. Running a semi scaped tank - plants may get a bit crazy. We'll see. 

I'm still not entirely sure what's going to go in this tank but I'll probably grab a couple ramshorn snails from the 40 breeder and throw them in here to help clean up as some of the plants melt back and regrow. 

Beyond that I am thinking this tank will either be a single species tank for some kind of tetra or ... who knows. Open to suggestions, of course, as always. Definitely fish that like natural(ish) stone river bottoms and some driftwood and lots of plants.

Keep an eye out for updates over the coming weeks, months, and beyond on this tank. IMG_6149.jpeg.1e64a9989c3fb6d8b893ac331b13fa00.jpegIMG_6150.jpeg.67e81192600d39b14695b51cb731b810.jpegIMG_6151.jpeg.503cc1d4b51c0955d868a827f6294481.jpegIMG_6152.jpeg.069ed8435aed791fab95bf542f2cf27d.jpegIMG_6154.jpeg.22c7cf0d1e976251034cc7a8c7d3d0c7.jpeg

Edited by Retrophyllum_minus
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Beautiful floaters. I love the mix of large and small leafed plants. 

where’s the flamingo? The super thick clumps in the back? I planted some recently in my 20L and it melted away to zero leaves, and now has grown 3 leaves of new growth and still a lovely pink. It’s a cool plant. 

Edited by MWilk
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