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Fish Medication and Hydra questions


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So, the question I have is why do you think you need this medication? Most of the people I have heard from on this forum have not had any issues caused by hydra. Here is a thread:


However, if you are really bothered by them (some people are just squicked out--totally ok if you just don't want them), here is another thread:

I have not used that particular medicine, and I haven't heard of it either, sorry I can't be more helpful... I would assume you could treat with it between paraclense, but I would keep an eye on the fish and shrimp and be ready to change water if they seem stressed.

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@Brandy so my amano shrimp are babies and i believe the hyrda are attacking them as well as my young rainbow's ever since they appeared my rainbow's tails are pinned together and they're not doing so well swimming, i lost two who touched them then proceeded to have a seizure shortly after alongside erratic swimming before passing on so i wanted to get rid of them, i have a friend who said he experienced the same thing with his forktail rainbow's and hydra 

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All Amano shrimp in freshwater aquariums are adults. Baby Amanos are larvae and have to go through metamorphosis in saltwater before they become adults.

Stings from hydra generally aren't that bad. They're deadly to microfauna like brine shrimp and daphnia but not going to consistently KO fish and shrimplets. It's more likely that there's a separate issue. Clamped fins are a signal that something is stressing the fish but doesn't indicate much specifically. It also sounds like your fish were flashing, which is most commonly caused by external parasites and/or something toxic in the water.

I have hydra (green and white species) in several of my tanks and have personally never lost anything larger than a shrimplet to them. A lot of my smaller fish (especially bettas) will pick them off of surfaces and eat the hydra and keep the population in check.

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I have only seen hydra tinier than a blood worm, and they do not seem to be able to harm anything, not my neocaridina that breed constantly, and not my spotted blue eye rainbows. In my tanks I would just throw a guppy in there and they would eat them all though. 

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@ange thats why im treating with med trio to be safe but nothing has improved with the first round so far only thing i could think of was hydra or because my water is super hard but they were fine with my hard water for months so im not sure, i did get a reverse osmosis system today just incase, this way i can balance it out better.

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The rainbows are little rocks when it comes to water parameters, I will give you that. They can be anxious and shy though. I don't think it is the hydra. How did you use the med trio? one dose soaking for a week, or a full round of at least paraclense? Can you give us anymore info about your symptoms and how you are feeding? 

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@Brandy so i feed them frozen brine shrimp once a day in the morning and i follow up with some omega one freshwater flakes as recommended by someone at night-time for dinner also i did the med trio according to aquarium co-op directions, which was 1 week soaking treatment then re dose paracleanse on week 4 after waiting 2 weeks of nothing added i have yet yo do the 2nd round of paracleanse as it's not time yet the only thing i didn't dose at all was ich-x because it just arrived in the mail today

For symptoms its just erratic swimming/seizure,not actively showing off with their fancy swimming skills,sometimes one or two will float closer to the bottom of the tank and just rest there, finally their appetite is off and on ,mostly they eat though its just they're not into it  ,as in low energy instead of hungry sharks


I also do a fasting day once a week

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hmmm. I have to say I think the paraclense makes sense in this case, but the seizure is more of a neurological thing--I had a tetra randomly do that once, and had to euthanize, I assumed advanced parasite or disease. Luckily that was an isolated incident for me.

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