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Jungle Valisneria melting?

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Hello! I purchased some new plants a couple of weeks ago and after some time, everything has bounced back except for some jungle valisneria. Is it normal for the plant to melt back a lot when placed in a new tank? This is my first time keeping this plant and I just want to make sure. The tank has strong lighting, no co2 and no fertilizer (for now). Thanks! 🙏 


Edited by Stinson Beach Aquatics
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On 9/3/2024 at 7:44 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

I would love to quit root tabs, but on tanks not injecting CO2, are they still helpful?

No, all of my tanks are injected with CO2. I drive the system harder than any non-CO2 tank obviously, so if I don’t use root tabs, how does non injected CO2 tanks need tab? The cold hard reality is a successful aquarium is controlled with precise nutrients, solid water changes, and husbandry.

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