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Fluval Stratum Concerns

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I am in the process of a new tank but I am wondering for a new hobbiest is it fine to grow plants in gravel because I want to create a jungle effect. But I have noticed my favorite YouTubers like fish for thought have used it in there beginer scapes. I am wondering if it is ok to use as a beginer. And additionally with a kh of 2 and a ph of 7.2 first off when doing water changes will it stress the fish out second how low does it reduce ph and kh for you guys.

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A gravel only substrate is perfectly fine for a planted aquarium. The longer the tank is set up and the more waste that accumulates in the gravel the more it will feed the plants. In the mean time use plenty of root tabs. I prefer an inert substrate instead of something like stratum that will alter your water chemistry anyway.

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In my opinion, plants actually grow better in gravel. There's more space for the roots to occupy. Sand tends to be very dense. It's the bottom dwelling fish that have more problems with gravel. My crypts do really well in gravel.

Edited by Tony s
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Stratum is a fine substrate. I've used it a bunch in shrimp tanks.  Totally beginner friendly.  It will keep your Ph around 6.4-6.6 ish. But it's buffering capacity will get exhausted with 2 years, so after than, your Ph will creep back up to 7.2. 

However, I honestly don't think 2 Kh/7.2 Ph is anything to be worried about in terms of growing plants. So you don't necessarily need a buffering substrate like Stratum. 

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I can only from my recent experience.  After agonizing and researching I landed on Fluval Stratum for a new 20 Gallon planted aquarium.  I wanted a full carpet.

I was worried about ammonia spikes in a new tank and algae outbreaks.  I was also wanting to well establish the plants.

This is what I did:

Dark Start the Fluval Stratum in a lidded 5 gallon bucket with a sponge filter for 6 weeks.  Dosed starter bacteria during this period.

Dry Start setup with the Fluval Stratum substrate and plants.  This was for 3 months.

Flooded tank and monitored closely.  I had 1 minor green algae bloom, I think I over fertilized.  Amano shrimp and snails, with a bit of manual cleaning took care of it.

Things seem to have stabilized but I am watching closely.  Fingers Crossed.

CO2, Fluval 207, Seachem Matrix, Seachem Purigen, Hygger 957

 Not sure my carefully considered research and planning worked, or if I just lucked out.





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