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On 7/18/2024 at 2:11 AM, Guppysnail said:

That looks like poo with no food in it. Just keep an eye on it and make sure he eats when you feed. 

Ah okay, thank you for your answer. Then I don't have to be scared of something contagious 😀

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On 7/18/2024 at 3:23 AM, VanDogh said:

Ah okay, thank you for your answer. Then I don't have to be scared of something contagious 😀

You need not be scared but do keep an eye to see why he is not eating. Is it he is not eating or just he didn’t compete well the day before for food. Or possibly is feeling under the weather. I would look more to bacterial if it is anything than parasitic seeing his body condition looks well. 
If he is active and eating and his color is fine it’s most likely nothing of concern.

Just like the human body a fish digestive tract continues working and will shed the intestinal lining even without food preset. It need only be concern if it happens more than a rare occasion or happens continuously or several days in a row.  
We all have off days and usually any 1 off thing is not of concern. 

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On 7/18/2024 at 2:02 PM, Guppysnail said:

You need not be scared but do keep an eye to see why he is not eating. Is it he is not eating or just he didn’t compete well the day before for food. Or possibly is feeling under the weather. I would look more to bacterial if it is anything than parasitic seeing his body condition looks well. 
If he is active and eating and his color is fine it’s most likely nothing of concern.

Just like the human body a fish digestive tract continues working and will shed the intestinal lining even without food preset. It need only be concern if it happens more than a rare occasion or happens continuously or several days in a row.  
We all have off days and usually any 1 off thing is not of concern. 

I see! There is a lot of competition from other serpae tetras as well as kerritetras, gouramies among other fish (225L/60 gallon) and I also haven't been feeding a lot lately because I introduced recently a lot of shrimp and I didn't want the bioload to go crazy in such a short amount of time.

He still had the thread-thing today and I tried feeding, he did not show any interest in the food (I even overfed to make sure.) Should I try quarantine for him or should I treat the whole tank for anything bacterial? I have a lot of shrimp (amano, vampire and bamboo) and I think shrimps can be sensitive to medication.

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On 7/18/2024 at 10:47 AM, VanDogh said:

I see! There is a lot of competition from other serpae tetras as well as kerritetras, gouramies among other fish (225L/60 gallon) and I also haven't been feeding a lot lately because I introduced recently a lot of shrimp and I didn't want the bioload to go crazy in such a short amount of time.

He still had the thread-thing today and I tried feeding, he did not show any interest in the food (I even overfed to make sure.) Should I try quarantine for him or should I treat the whole tank for anything bacterial? I have a lot of shrimp (amano, vampire and bamboo) and I think shrimps can be sensitive to medication.

You could introduce 100 shrimp and as long as you are not adding extra food for those shrimp it equals about 1 neon tetra as far as bioload. 

I would wait and watch.  The only med that’s going to be harsh on shrimp is copper based or chitin inhibitor.

Were it me I would watch for a week or two.  If he is behaving normal and not losing weight you are guessing at the problem or that there is a real problem with not enough distinct symptoms to make an educated guess as to what meds to use. 

@Colu any thoughts that could help or are different than mine that could help?  

I’m a wait and watch until a fish clearly tells me I need to act. Same as every time a child sneezes I would not medicate. Antibiotics are seriously overused in our hobby. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I forgot to uppdate you guys! But he ended up dying. Weird thing is no other fish seemed affected so I still don't know what happened. He was not interested in food as in, he didn't even attempt to try to eat. Didn't keep to the surface but rather mid- and low level, staying in the same spot.

Edited by VanDogh
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