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Foresta plant holding sytem

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I haven't seen one in person, only the pictures of prototypes and such. I think it'll be great for advanced hobbyists and stores that struggle to keep plants alive. However as a retail store, I feel it's in their best interest to have submerged plants that are converted mostly. This will be a difficult experience for newer hobbyists, much like tissue cultures are as well.

What we'll have to see is how they adapt and change over time. The more stores that are using it, the more innovation there could be and the better the system could get. I believe this will work best in stores that are leaning more into terrariums, ripariums etc. I could also make an argument that potential this system would be an upgrade for big box stores as they are at the mercy of having staff interested in plants.

I feel like they may have to master the art of a mini fan to keep the front glass clear. I also wonder how the system will work with harder water and deposits. Misters have problems with hard water, might have to be an R/O water situation.

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I really didn't get a good look at the set up. It was more in passing, I wondered what it was. The front glass had so much moisture, it was impossible to get a good look inside. As far as the plants go, the Anubias petite was the only one I was familiar with. I think you're probably right @Cory. definitely terrarium and riparium plants. This little shop has a lot of those set ups.  I plan on checking it out and asking questions next time when they aren't so busy.  I was just stopping in to grab some airline tubeing. :classic_biggrin:



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I've seen MD Fishtanks on YouTube just use spare tanks with plants sitting in about an inch of water, with a light and a bit of cling wrap to hold the moisture in. Other than maybe show off plants for retail sales, I wonder what this does that that wouldn't do. Except it's not really showing them off all that well, either, with all that moisture blocking the view.

That said, I know I'd much prefer to buy already-converted plants, myself.

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@Rube_Goldfish,  I think you're right. This little pet store has always had those kind of set ups with all kinds of locally produced amphibians, insects, reptiles and of course plants and fish. There's a 'Master Nerm' somewhere around here cranking out organisms left and right!  😆 ha ha .. Makes sence for this store to have something to put locally and shipped  plants in. All the aquatic plants are in a tank..🤔



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My LFS has a four big tanks with rows of potted (rockwool) plants each with a little plant tag with name, ease of care, and pricing number.  They replace the plants regularly. They also have two coolers full of TS. 

Pretty dead simple.  And one of the tanks is "buy 6 for 20 bucks" and two others are "buy ten for 15% off", so it's quickly tempting to load up on plants.  

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