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Steatocranus care?

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Anybody got care tips on steatocranus?

I read recently they need very high flow which I could understand but I also read that some species are found in pool malebo in slower flowing areas.


What are good tankmates for them? I believe congo tetras can be found in the same habitat. Rainbowfish and corydoras might work as well? Both can be found in moving water although not as turbid as something like hillstream loaches

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Cory keeps these in a 40 breeder. Go to one of his last 6-7 videos and you’ll see how he has it setup and the tank mates that are housed with them. I wish I could recall and don’t quote me, but I’m pretty sure he’s got platys in there. 

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Easy fish to keep and in my experience they will get along with all other tankmates. They will put on territorial displays to each but it will not result in damage. They do come from high flow environments, but that is not needed tlin the aquarium, they are not even the best swimmers and behave more like a goby.

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On 6/13/2024 at 11:11 PM, mynameisnobody said:

@T. Payne Since they move a bit clumsier than speedier fish, would you say they prefer a more sedate tank mate or either way works? You’ve got me curious. 

A more sedate tankmate at feeding time would ne easier, but not necessary. Years ago when I kept them I had Congo tetras as tankmates, just had to feed a food that was sinking or feed a little heavy to make sure food got down to them.

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