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6 gallon Aquarium Stocking

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Here's what I'm planning to put in my long 6-gallon aquarium :

For reference, my aquarium is 23.62 inches long  and 7.87 wide and tall

2 Anubis Nana Petit

1 Anubias Barteri

1 Java Fern 

2 Mini Coin Buce

1 Broad Leaf Buce Plant

2 Java moss balls

Red Root Floaters

Jungle Val

Java Fern Trident

Mostly plants that grow attached to driftwood.  I got a piece of Forest Driftwood as long as my tank, and I have a vision for placement. 

Any tips on making these plants the healthiest they could be would be much appreciated! 

Edited by shrimpleaf
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The only thing I would beware of is the moss balls, breaking apart, and then going into all of the nooks and crannies on the tank.  Moss is a little bit easier to handle in that regard.  you can use things like moss ledges as well as mesh sections on suction cups to make a "moss wall" too.

The tank sounds awesome.  Looking forward to seeing it!

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Looks like a great list! Just fair warning, if your Val takes off, it will take over your entire tank.😂Jungle Val is especially tall and your tank is not very tall, but it will also give it a cool effect when it grows tall enough to fold over on top of the water, if that makes sense. 

Most all of your plants are rhizome plants so they should do really well for you with a little bit of liquid fertilizer! The Val will want a couple root tabs but the other plants don’t use as many nutrients from the substrate.

Excited for your new tank!

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On 6/5/2024 at 12:01 PM, shrimpleaf said:

What kind of fish would you recommend for this kind of tank? I was thinking of minnows or rice fish, but any other suggestions are welcome.

If you want some color, how about a group of male endlers?

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Red root floaters can be really finicky, but I've had my best success with them with minimal surface flow. Most floaters don't like to get the tops of their leaves wet, but red root floaters are particularly sensitive to it.

Once they get going, though, they can grow fast, which is good, because they, along with the jungle val, will help 'protect' the other plants, all slow growing, from algae growth, hopefully. I like stems for that purpose, but I think vallisineria and a floater ought to do it for you.

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On 6/5/2024 at 10:01 AM, shrimpleaf said:

What kind of fish would you recommend for this kind of tank? I was thinking of minnows or rice fish, but any other suggestions are welcome.

Depends on the dimensions! If it's taller than wider, a betta would be great! Even a pea puffer if you'd like a challenge. If it's wider than taller, a school of true nano fish would be great, like chili rasboras or endlers; white clouds might be okay too, kinda small but it would work, my main concern is temperature, they like temperatures cooler (maximum 72 f) and most of the plants you selected are tropical. Maybe green neon tetras too! You could also consider non-fish stocking, like some smaller snail species or cherry shrimps! 

The plants seem great! If I was you, I would also add in some pearlweed to the foreground. It would add in a bit more color variation; as pearlweed is a lime green and the rest of the plants you've chosen are darker or more 'true' greens. But that's just me! 

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