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What does my buddy have


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Did a water change as I do weekly. Trimmed a few plants and moved a wave maker. Then I noticed this later that day. This tank has been running for over a year with no problems. 
does he have Ich, Stress Ich, Epistylis, or Velvet?





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It’s either ich or epistylis. Epistylis if it’s raised up off the body a bit and gets on the eyes. Ich usually won’t get on the eyes. Not sure there is such a thing as stress ich. Just regular ich that has presented itself after the fish gets under stress. Kind of like you getting a cold when your body gets run down. Problem being identification. Ich is a parasite, epistylis is bacteria. And they have opposite treatment methods. For ich you use high heat, salt, and ich x. For epistylis, you need either maracyn2 or kanaplex and lower heat. Epistylis gets worse quickly under heat. @Colu has the best treatment regimen.

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Posted (edited)

Looks like epistylis to me he's how you can tell the the difference between ich and epistylis if it's  epistylis that feeds  off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 the most effective treatment is to   dose the tank with ick X and treat with maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days @socalss21



Edited by Colu
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