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Snail infestation

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In one of my tanks, I have a bamboo shrimp. They are filter feeders and I want to make sure that it won't starve so I put some excess food when feeding my fish there, my intention is for the fish food to break into smaller particles, I also sometimes crush shrimp pellets and add it. The problem is that this creates a haven for small snails, normally you shouldn't overfeed but I don't know what else to do to ensure that my shrimp won't starve. Tank is way to small to add any snail-eating loach. Any ideas?

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I've found that assassin snails help keep the bladder snails in check.  Nerites also seem to keep the smaller snails in check, I think, because they eat a lot and do not breed in freshwater.    In most of my tanks with nerites there's very few bladder snails.  

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I have assassins and nerites in the same tanks.  I've not seen them kill a bigger snail.  They don't even really seem to eat MTS, in my experience.  At least not in large numbers.  

As far as how many assassins.  Depends on your tank.  In a 75 I've had 4-6 and that seems to keep the snail numbers down.  In my fry tanks, I have a few of them in tanks 29-40 gallons.  They work pretty well.  Oddly, I've never had assassins reproduce.  Which I don't understand.  But I've never seen a baby one.

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I see, well my tank is tiny. It's a 7 gallon (with tiny fish that lives there temporarily.) I was planning on moving the bamboo shrimp to a bigger tank but it really seems to thrive there since there is much plants and a strong flow. I guess maybe 1 assassin's snail should suffice? 

Strange that your assassin's hasn't reproduced yet. Apparently they lay one egg at a time and the snail baby will burrow in the substrate, I read while googleing. Maybe that's why you haven't seen them?

On 5/23/2024 at 9:14 PM, jwcarlson said:

I have assassins and nerites in the same tanks.  I've not seen them kill a bigger snail.  They don't even really seem to eat MTS, in my experience.  At least not in large numbers.  

Huh weird. I thought they ate all snails 😮 Dealing with trumpet infestation sounds difficult, fortunately I don't have any trumpets. 

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On 5/23/2024 at 9:44 PM, jwcarlson said:

In a 7 gallon I'd do two or maybe three.  They're also a pretty interesting snail to watch and they don't eat ONLY snails.  

What do they eat beside snails? I have tucano tetras and some amano shrimp with the bamboo shrimp. 

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Left over fish food, algae, probably biofilm.  They're not fast enough to eat your fish (unless the fish die).  The shrimp should be safe.  I've heard people say they eat shrimplets, I suppose it's possible, but I don't see a shrimplet sitting there letting them eat them.  

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On 5/23/2024 at 1:50 PM, VanDogh said:

I have tucano tetras

Off topic but looks like you’ve already got plenty of good advice - I’ve never heard of the Tucano Tetras. Did a quick Google search and they look lovely!

Have you liked keeping them?

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On 5/23/2024 at 9:52 PM, jwcarlson said:

Left over fish food, algae, probably biofilm.  They're not fast enough to eat your fish (unless the fish die).  The shrimp should be safe.  I've heard people say they eat shrimplets, I suppose it's possible, but I don't see a shrimplet sitting there letting them eat them.  

Aight but then it's no problem 🙂 amano shrimp are almost impossible to breed in captivity so there won't be any shrimplets


On 5/24/2024 at 12:09 AM, lefty o said:

in 7 gallons 2 assassins.

Ait cool I'll buy 2 next time I'm in the pet store 👍 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/24/2024 at 12:57 AM, EricksonAquatics said:

Off topic but looks like you’ve already got plenty of good advice - I’ve never heard of the Tucano Tetras. Did a quick Google search and they look lovely!

Have you liked keeping them?

Yeah, they are pretty rare and really hard to get yours hands on so it's not weird that you haven't heard of them. They're a bit pricy considering how small they are, I was lucky enough to buy cheap from someone who was quitting fish keeping.

They're really pretty and I do enjoy them, I plan on creating a 50L blackwater biotope for them and I really hope to breed them.

What I didn't know, since there is pretty limited information about them, is that they are a very sensitive species. When I got them I acclimated them into a relatively new tank and they died within hours (I managed to save the majority luckily.) They can only be introduced to mature tanks. I'd also avoid water conditioner except Aquasafe and be wary of products with copper and stuff. They are timid, want still water and they do best in groups of minimum 6 since they are schooling fish 🙂

Since they are pretty shy I would only keep them with peaceful and calm species that won't outcompete them for food. They want much plants and floaters to feel safe.


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