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Healthy goldie suddenly sick??


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Swim bladder suddenly infected ?! 

Parameters: 20 gallon tank nitrates and nitrites ~0 (I use testing strips so Its not 100% but the tank has been cycled for 6 months)
ammonia 0 (api drops) temperature 72
I feed her northfin sinking pellets 
She’s the only one in the tank, like 3 inches big!
Filters: a double sided sponge filter for 20 gallons and a new fluval U2 30 gallon filter w carbon in it. 

I’m looking for a few opinions from an outside perspective to help my little fishy!!
A few days ago she was swimming tilted so I would skip feeding her for the day and it never got too bad; i did a water change as she was looking sideways tbh but I had to leave and went on a short Mother’s Day trip and when I got back the next day she was totally curled up, swimming by spinning all over the tank, knocking against everything it was really scary. I immediately dosed her with kanaplex and I took out the decorative rocks, some plants, her carbon filter, and eventually her sponge filter as she was getting caught under it. The next day she was amazing and I was so relieved; I scrubbed out the sponge filter and switched the sponges (it was flaking off algae or sand or plastic or something? So I had to be safe) and put the sponge filter back in. 
Today she’s back to swimming in circles, but isn’t curled up like beforehand which is a relief. She got caught under the sponge filter again so I took it out. 
I don’t know what else to do; if the filter might be making it worse or what to do after the kanaplex dosages if she’s not improving. 
Please help!!!! Any advice
I’ve had her for 2 years; she’s a comet goldfish

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Posted (edited)

Sorry about this situation @Cellie. @Colu is a fish disease expert and he should chime in here. But could i see a picture? Or video. I would feed more of a variety of foods, with some freeze dried and some frozen mixed in its diet. Just pellets and nothing else ended up with my betta sick from swim bladder and a tumor. He died a while later, so you should have some time to figure this out. (not saying it will die most likely not)  But like i said @Colu will help with treatment @Cellie. Hope some of this helps! 

Edited by Whitecloud09
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On 5/14/2024 at 1:55 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Sorry about this situation @Cellie. @Colu is a fish disease expert and he should chime in here. But could i see a picture? Or video. I would feed more of a variety of foods, with some freeze dried and some frozen mixed in its diet. Just pellets and nothing else ended up with my betta sick from swim bladder and a tumor. He died a while later, so you should have some time to figure this out. (not saying it will die most likely not)  But like i said @Colu will help with treatment @Cellie. Hope some of this helps! 

tysm for the idea. I did recently get her repashy supergold gel food but don't feed it that often; i didn't know that variety was important so thank you

here's some photos, the one of her curled up was before/right after I first dosed her with kanaplex and the other one is of her yesterday. today she's back to spinning though 😞in circles but also upside-down spins. hopefully the medicine will help her again.

i can't decide whether to fast her or continue feeding her as I don't think it makes a difference?



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On 5/14/2024 at 2:14 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

I would fast for a couple of days, food makes things worse in a situation of swim bladder disease @Cellie.

will do; hopefully she makes it a little longer to try and figure out the issue 😞

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Posted (edited)

An old recipe from colu  a recipe for medicated feed 

This food recipe can be used with maracyn or
• Use 1 quarter of a packet of maracyn or maracyn2
• One table spoon of pellets or frozen
• 1 scoop of seachems focus
• 1 cap of seachems garlic guard
• A few drops of water mix well • Feed a small amount twice a day for 7 store any
leftover medicated food in the fridge


it’s for after a couple of days fasting. If it’s a bacteria infection. This will help. Getting the maracyn2 inside her will work better than external kanaplex. Kanaplex won’t work internally. It’s not absorbed well 

It may also help if you have a in tank isolation box  to keep her from wearing herself out 

Edited by Tony s
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Sorry for late reply just been on three flights back to back not fun  with swim bladder I would fast for 5 days and do epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder then give an update after 5 days @Cellie

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On 5/15/2024 at 4:26 AM, Colu said:

Sorry for late reply just been on three flights back to back not fun  with swim bladder I would fast for 5 days and do epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder then give an update after 5 days @Cellie

Oh wow, that’s tuff, I understand now. Hopefully they will see this soon.

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On 5/15/2024 at 4:26 AM, Colu said:

Sorry for late reply just been on three flights back to back not fun  with swim bladder I would fast for 5 days and do epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder then give an update after 5 days @Cellie

I see, thank you. She’s still moving around today but the stress must be a lot for her 😞 so that’s epsom salt, not aquarium salt?

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Posted (edited)
On 5/15/2024 at 2:15 PM, Cellie said:

Also she’s still in the middle of kanaplex treatment so is that fine to do at the same time??

Yes plain unsented epsom salt it fine to use with kanaplex 

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On 5/15/2024 at 8:56 AM, Cellie said:

I see, thank you. She’s still moving around today but the stress must be a lot for her 😞 so that’s epsom salt, not aquarium salt?

Yes, epsom salt, it helps trust me! Hope she heals!!!

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On 5/15/2024 at 3:14 PM, Colu said:

Yes plane unsented epsom salt it fine to use with kanaplex 

So I did epsom salt bath yesterday and today, and I'm going to do the 3rd dose of kanaplex as one of her eyes started to get popeye 😞 on that same side of her body her fin is frayed, I think from damage in swimming and trying to correct her floating sideways. She seems very lucid still and has lots of energy but I'm starting to worry about if this is what's best for her

a question about water changes: I read it's best to keep her water really pristine so I've been changing a little bit out each day and usually I buy bottled water as my tap water's KH is extremely high (like 250 mg/L on my test strips), is that high a KH harmful? I saw that goldfish like a high GH but idk about KH. Wondering if I should keep going out to get bottled water or if that might actually be good for her.

I'm glad to talk to other people who know about keeping fish; it's hard to try and figure it all on my own 😞 so thank you very much

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On 5/16/2024 at 12:34 PM, Cellie said:

is that high a KH harmful? I saw that goldfish like a high GH but idk about KH.

Usually kh and gh are related (not always). But usually neither one is harmful. Especially to goldfish. Kh is a measure of how much buffer is in your water. Very helpful to prevent most ph swings. It stabilizes your ph. That’s all. If you have a high gh , you’ll more than likely have a high kh. Gh is the dissolved amount of calcium and magnesium in your water. Kh is the amount of carbonates in your water. The usual form of hard water is calcium carbonate. So a combination of both. But no. Your kh is probably not the problem. 

there was a video today from Cory about which fish he wouldn’t keep again. Fancy goldfish was his answer. Just because after a while they get really difficult with health problems 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/16/2024 at 12:34 PM, Cellie said:

I'm glad to talk to other people who know about keeping fish; it's hard to try and figure it all on my own 😞

For new keepers that's the absolute hardest part. figuring things out by yourself. believe me, I have been there before. I think that's what this site does better than any other. It doesn't just give you a checklist of things to do. ie... follow a+b+c. when it works right, it gives you people who can understand and relate. Possibly tell a bit of their own story for that situation.

I hope your fish is doing better. Honestly Cory's video kind of bummed me out too. I haven't had the chance to raise goldfish yet.

Edited by Tony s
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update: i've been doing epsom salt baths with her for like 13 mins a day for the past 5 days & fasted her for 3 days. finished the kanaplex treatment also. overall she is still stuck floating on her side, but has stopped thrashing around or being super stressed out. It sort of seems like a loss of energy?, but she still moves her eyes to look at me 🙂 and wakes up when I wake up out of bed etc. but she doesn't have control over her swimming still. I fed her 1 pea yesterday & some frozen blood worms today (i was worried about fasting her for too long tbh but only fed her a small amount) that I just got for her, but she's not interested in any leftovers on the bottom of the tank 😞

kanaplex might've crashed the cycle but i'm keeping my eye on it.

so yeah... is there anything else I can do?

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On 5/16/2024 at 4:08 PM, Tony s said:


i watched this btw and it was very cool & nice to see how this hobby can grow and be really interesting 🙂 he seemed to love shrimp haha

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On 5/19/2024 at 9:04 PM, Cellie said:

watched this btw and it was very cool & nice to see how this hobby can grow and be really interesting 🙂 he seemed to love shrimp haha

Yeah Cory is great. And mostly tells you how it really is. His newest video goes into everybody wanting to do everything. And how unhealthy and demanding it can get. love the honesty 

his channel and prime time aquatics are my go to 

Hope your goldie gets better. But I think you’re doing everything you can 

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On 5/19/2024 at 8:48 PM, Cellie said:

update: i've been doing epsom salt baths with her for like 13 mins a day for the past 5 days & fasted her for 3 days. finished the kanaplex treatment also. overall she is still stuck floating on her side, but has stopped thrashing around or being super stressed out. It sort of seems like a loss of energy?, but she still moves her eyes to look at me 🙂 and wakes up when I wake up out of bed etc. but she doesn't have control over her swimming still. I fed her 1 pea yesterday & some frozen blood worms today (i was worried about fasting her for too long tbh but only fed her a small amount) that I just got for her, but she's not interested in any leftovers on the bottom of the tank 😞

kanaplex might've crashed the cycle but i'm keeping my eye on it.

so yeah... is there anything else I can do?

I feel very bad for you @Cellie, ik this is a though situation. I a,fin the dark as of what to do now, is this your first treatment of kanaplex? If so, you could do one more full treatment as it says on the back of bottle. 


On 5/19/2024 at 9:11 PM, Tony s said:

Yeah Cory is great. And mostly tells you how it really is. His newest video goes into everybody wanting to do everything. And how unhealthy and demanding it can get. love the honesty 

his channel and prime time aquatics are my go to 

Hope your goldie gets better. But I think you’re doing everything you can 

Yes, I saw this on my subscriptions today, he is such a great and smart guy. Prime time aquatics is good but I always miss his streams 😂. He and corys streams are so hard to catch for some reason

yes, I think you are doing all you can, I would fast for maybe 2 more days, then start another treatment if this is your first of kanaplex. @Cellie

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On 5/19/2024 at 9:20 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Prime time aquatics is good but I always miss his streams 😂.

He’s missed a couple of weeks with Aquashella. And dans fish streams at the same time 


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On 5/19/2024 at 9:20 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

I feel very bad for you @Cellie, ik this is a though situation. I a,fin the dark as of what to do now, is this your first treatment of kanaplex? If so, you could do one more full treatment as it says on the back of bottle. 


Yes, I saw this on my subscriptions today, he is such a great and smart guy. Prime time aquatics is good but I always miss his streams 😂. He and corys streams are so hard to catch for some reason

yes, I think you are doing all you can, I would fast for maybe 2 more days, then start another treatment if this is your first of kanaplex. @Cellie

i did three doses of it; and a water change yesterday

ill fast her for 2 days then; it's just scary of if it's starving her >.<

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