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Help! Mystery Snail being… Mysterious!


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This is my first Mystery snail. I only have experience with Nerites, Ramshorn and Bladder Snails, none of which have exhibited this type of behavior before. But my MS went from being very active to now laying in one spot for several days. Sometimes the trap door is open, sometimes it’s closed. I’ve picked him up to make sure he isn’t dead, but he is very much alive! Is this normal???

I tested the water and using API master test kit:

0ppm Ammonia

0ppm Nitrites

10 ish ppm Nitrates.


i did ACI test strips for GH and KH (see pic)




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I feed a variety of Repashy Community, Repashy SoilentGreen,  Xtreme bottom feeder sinking wafers… but he also gets whatever pellets and frozen foods that end up at the bottom as well.

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Honestly...it could be sleeping, Ive seen mystery snails just chill for a few days. Also my research also says that they sleep for days sometimes. If you checked and it moved when you picked it up then its probs a sleepy boi. It could also be lack of food or bad water quality but it doesn't seem like those two. hope this helps.

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On 5/12/2024 at 8:40 PM, FLFishChik said:

This is my first Mystery snail. I only have experience with Nerites, Ramshorn and Bladder Snails, none of which have exhibited this type of behavior before. But my MS went from being very active to now laying in one spot for several days. Sometimes the trap door is open, sometimes it’s closed. I’ve picked him up to make sure he isn’t dead, but he is very much alive! Is this normal???

I tested the water and using API master test kit:

0ppm Ammonia

0ppm Nitrites

10 ish ppm Nitrates.


i did ACI test strips for GH and KH (see pic)




Sometimes mine do this and it is very mixed on the reason they do it. One time it was because my ph was too low and they were dying. Another time it was just taking a nap. If in a few days he doesnt move at all from the position then take it out and let him sit for about 2 minutes and then do a smell test. If it smells bad its dead. If he moves it could be just a nap.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well… doesn’t seem to be any improvement. This photo taken today was the MOST I’ve seen this snail move in 2 weeks. Placed a banquet block close to him, he felt it, moved a bit, then after about 30 minutes, shut his trapdoor again. IDK.

i did an ACO test strip and you can see the readings in the photo. Ammonia also is 0ppm. 





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hmm...Does it retract into its shell when poked? If it does this is still entirely normal. I dont think you said but did your snail recently (past 4 weeks) laid eggs? if so then its probably still recovering. I see from the pics that it is still alive and eating I believe. 

Honestly, just wait and see. Mystery snails are appropriatly named lol. Hope this helps!

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On 5/31/2024 at 9:51 PM, CoryWithAKatana said:

hmm...Does it retract into its shell when poked? If it does this is still entirely normal. I dont think you said but did your snail recently (past 4 weeks) laid eggs? if so then its probably still recovering. I see from the pics that it is still alive and eating I believe. 

Honestly, just wait and see. Mystery snails are appropriatly named lol. Hope this helps!

Yeah, he will retract if messed with. No, snail hasn’t laid eggs ever (at least since I’ve had him now… 2 months).

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Well, it’s been a month with no improvement. He’s in and out of the shell several times a day, but never moves from the spot. I’ve left a banquet block next to him a few times and added a wonder shell.   But nothing other than peaking in and out.


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