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Charest family 150 gallon

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Got this tank and stand off marketplace a little while ago. And I finally got around to setting it up today. My daughter and I went on hikes to gather the rocks for it. And after hunting all the local fish stores we finally found a good piece of driftwood for it. So I got that boiled last week and soaked it for the past week as well. But today all the plants came in and we filled the tank up

No fish as of yet since the tank is needing to go through it's cycle. But I know I would like angelfish and some kind of community tank to go with it. 

Hopefully in the next few days the tank clears up and there are no more tannins relieved by the driftwood. But only time will tell. There's a powerhead in the tank with filter floss in it to catch the small particles since I've read canister filters aren't really good at getting those. 




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Looking good!

You're more patient than I - I used some really fine sand like that in a few tanks (play sand) and about ripped my hair out dealing with it, lol. Fish liked it, just a constant battle with cloudy water anytime something moved in the tank. 

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I used filter sand instead I read in a couple spots it's alot more forgiving then play sand. Hopefully that's true as it was 4 times the price haha. There's pea gravel and a fine layer of pond soil under the sand though. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The tank is growing in nicely so far I think. I did however change the lights as the flood lights that were on it were to bright causing a ton of alge. This past weekend we added 10 Cory catfish, 15 black skirt tetra, and 2 albino bristlenose plecos that we haven't seen since they were put in. 20240526_190643.jpg.651c971868837100f5ae2141306b87a8.jpg



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  • 2 weeks later...

A few changes in the past couple weeks since the last update. A couple of the corys didn't make it. We still have 6 that seem health. My guess is it was stress as the tank parameters are fine. Last week we had recieved an order from aqua Hauna of 24 cardinal tetra. However also due to stress is my guess they have slowly been dieing as well as we are down to only 10. Today we went to the lfs for 7 angelfish to add to the tank. Next week depending how many cardinal are left we may try some of there's. Unless anyone has a reliable source for some please let me know. 



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Thank you! It's unfortunate however i wad not very confident in them because there were shipping for so long. It was shipped on a Monday and delivered on a Thursday 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't remember where I left off last but here is an updated picture of the tank. There's 24 bleeding heart tetra 14 black skirt only 3 cardinal left I think 12 corys and 7 angels. Today I added a couple small powerheads to get the water to move alittle more. I'm just hoping there not to big where they will stress the angels out. They seem to be fine still coming right up to the glass as usual when I stand at it. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

So we lost power for a couple days a couple weeks ago and I was able to use a generator to run the tank on and off. However because of that we lost the bristlenoses.


Now there are 2 bleeding hearts that look like this. At first I thought possibly ich however it isn't getting worse then this and doesn't seem to be salt like spots. I tried to get them out and quarantine them. But there are to many hiding spots in the tank to get them out. Is there something I can treat the whole tank with to help prevent a spread?



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It seems to be the same today as yesterday if not alittle better. I checked the parameters this morning and know they were the same there been since the tank was setup. But don't remember the numbers. I can post a picture tomorrow of what it is. The tank is kept at 80 degrees though. 

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After doing some research i am starting to think that this might be stress ich. As the spots are not getting worse at all rapidly the fish has been the same for a few days now i would say. Possibly when we lost power is when the fish got stressed out and caused this. Would there be anyone that can help confirm my suspicions or possibly point me in another direction. I went to get new food today and cleaned the filter this past weekend along with adding some more beneficial bacteria (since the filter was cleaned). 


I do plan to add 5 or 6 pearl gourami to this tank in the future however this will not be until the current fish get better and those fish will be out of quarantine. 

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On 7/16/2024 at 7:24 PM, Charestv said:

After doing some research i am starting to think that this might be stress ich. As the spots are not getting worse at all rapidly the fish has been the same for a few days now i would say. Possibly when we lost power is when the fish got stressed out and caused this. Would there be anyone that can help confirm my suspicions or possibly point me in another direction. I went to get new food today and cleaned the filter this past weekend along with adding some more beneficial bacteria (since the filter was cleaned). 


I do plan to add 5 or 6 pearl gourami to this tank in the future however this will not be until the current fish get better and those fish will be out of quarantine. 

Could be epistylis that feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures the most effective treatment is to dose the tank with malachite green active ingredient in ick X and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days if there not eating i would dose the tank with maracyn2 


Edited by Colu
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They seemed to start getting better on there own. However all The stuff I need for the food came in today. I'll make it tonight and start to feed it tomorrow. I have been trying to catch the 3 to put them in quarantine however I still am unable to catch them. So I guess I will just need to dose the whole tank in ich x. Should I also lower the temp in the tank to like 75? It should help right?

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On 7/21/2024 at 5:58 PM, Charestv said:

They seemed to start getting better on there own. However all The stuff I need for the food came in today. I'll make it tonight and start to feed it tomorrow. I have been trying to catch the 3 to put them in quarantine however I still am unable to catch them. So I guess I will just need to dose the whole tank in ich x. Should I also lower the temp in the tank to like 75? It should help right?

How come you think the lower the temp, is better? I am not trying to be mean, just wondering out of curiosity. I didn’t know that would help, and if so I would like to know it would too! 

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Just from research I've done online whatever it is seems to thrive in warmer water. But before I just went and did it. I wanted some actual confirmation that that was a thing. Instead of just trusting the internet lol. 

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On 7/21/2024 at 7:13 PM, Charestv said:

Just from research I've done online whatever it is seems to thrive in warmer water. But before I just went and did it. I wanted some actual confirmation that that was a thing. Instead of just trusting the internet lol. 

Interesting! Let’s see what @Colu says. Idk if it is true or not. Never tried that! @Charestv

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On 7/21/2024 at 10:58 PM, Charestv said:

They seemed to start getting better on there own. However all The stuff I need for the food came in today. I'll make it tonight and start to feed it tomorrow. I have been trying to catch the 3 to put them in quarantine however I still am unable to catch them. So I guess I will just need to dose the whole tank in ich x. Should I also lower the temp in the tank to like 75? It should help right?

Lower temperature to 75 if that fine for all species of fish in your tank and go ahead and treat with ick X and maracyn2 

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On 5/26/2024 at 6:12 PM, Charestv said:

The tank is growing in nicely so far I think. I did however change the lights as the flood lights that were on it were to bright causing a ton of alge. This past weekend we added 10 Cory catfish, 15 black skirt tetra, and 2 albino bristlenose plecos that we haven't seen since they were put in. 20240526_190643.jpg.651c971868837100f5ae2141306b87a8.jpg



Man that is a really nice piece of driftwood. I dig it!

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  • 1 month later...

Been a while since the last update but this morning I came down feed the tank and an hour later there's this. The kli angels have paired and laid eggs. I have a 10 gallon quarantine tank I can setup to raise the babies. However I don't know what I'd do with all those babies. So here's the question. Let nature run it's corse or save the babies. 


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