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ACO Tubifex Worms For The Win!


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I got the Aquarium Co-Op Freeze Dried Tubifex Worms over the weekend and fed them for the first time last night.  I stuck a cube on the glass.  Our small Electric Blue Acara went nuts for them.  He would tear off chunks and take it over to a corner to eat.  The complete surprise was the Green Cory.  He swam up to the cube and sat there and ate off of the glass.  I've never seen him do that.  It was awesome.  I also have the Aquarium Co-Op Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp Cubes and I have to be honest that I'm not as much of a fan.  The shrimp are bigger than I thought they would be, they float for a long time and my fish aren't really crazy about them.  

If you haven't gotten the Tubifex worms yet, smash that link above, add them to your cart and checkout!  You won't be disappointed.

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Glad to hear your fish are enjoying. I think for the brine shrimp it depends on what fish you have. I find platies, angelfish, and other fish that aren't afraid to eat out in the open gobble them up.

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On 4/30/2024 at 12:44 PM, Cory said:

Glad to hear your fish are enjoying. I think for the brine shrimp it depends on what fish you have. I find platies, angelfish, and other fish that aren't afraid to eat out in the open gobble them up.

I decided to try the Tubifex worms after one of your live streams or another video where you said that fish with smaller mouths would probably like the Tubifex worms more.  The Acara is in with some Pearl Danios and they like them more than one of my other aquariums with Rainbow fish and Cherry Barbs - bigger mouths vs smaller mouths.  

I love the hard work and the research you put into your products.  I've been buying from you since we got into aquariums about 4 years ago.  Great education and great products.

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