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Fin rot (REPOST)


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So basically I’ve just finished all my treatment for camallanus worms and have sterilised everything, but the fish that I first noticed to be infected with it seems to have fin rot and I’ve noticed it getting worse. Is this definitely fit rot? Also does this mean it still has the worms or is it possible it is eradicated and just sohappens to have fin rot? If someone could recommend a medication to me it has to be suitable for gouramis, snails, shrimp, cories and of course guppies. @Coluwhat do you think?


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If it is getting worse, then it is probably finrot. Also, the black edges are another sign that this is finrot, not just an injury. I have also had guppies that had a tail like your fishes, specifically two, and I used to use this general cure medicine called Tetra Lifeguard, but I stopped using it once I got my Nerite snail. It works well, but it is not invertabrae safe. Another way to take your problem is by using Aquarium Salt. It is safe for snails (What kind do you have?) and will also kill the worms if they are still there. Also, what are your water parameters? A lot of the more experienced fishkeepers here will ask for those, and will be able to provide better advice. You might also learn something or find out what is wrong just by testing the water.

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On 4/29/2024 at 10:01 PM, Guupy42 said:

If it is getting worse, then it is probably finrot. Also, the black edges are another sign that this is finrot, not just an injury. I have also had guppies that had a tail like your fishes, specifically two, and I used to use this general cure medicine called Tetra Lifeguard, but I stopped using it once I got my Nerite snail. It works well, but it is not invertabrae safe. Another way to take your problem is by using Aquarium Salt. It is safe for snails (What kind do you have?) and will also kill the worms if they are still there. Also, what are your water parameters? A lot of the more experienced fishkeepers here will ask for those, and will be able to provide better advice. You might also learn something or find out what is wrong just by testing the water.

Params are fine, 0 ammonia and nitrites. I think salt is a good idea, but I know plants aren’t a huge fan of it so I’m kind of trying to stay away from it.

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I happened to go to the pet store today, the employee said that aquarium salt is fine for plants, and that they are only going to go bad in complete saltwater such as a reef aquarium (after I asked about the salt tolerance of the plants they had). I recommend you search up the types of plants you have, to see how salt tolerant they are. In the meantime, if it is an emergency, put your plants in a food safe container or quarantine tank if you can remove them, and salt the tank.

Edited by Guupy42
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On 4/30/2024 at 12:46 PM, Guupy42 said:

Here is a treatment plan you could follow, if you can get the dosing for the aquarium salt right. It treats ich, finrot, and other diseases naturally. Good luck with your treatment, no matter what approach you try and take.


Perfect, I really appreciate the help.

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On 4/30/2024 at 8:49 PM, Cjbear087 said:

Perfect, I really appreciate the help.

High concentration of Salt would be harmful to your shrimp most plants can tolerate 1 table spoon for 5 gallons above that and it will be harmful to your plants what I would do is a course of maracyn2 as most case of fin rot are caused by gram negative bacterial and it's shrimp safe antibiotic treatment 

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On 5/1/2024 at 1:41 AM, Colu said:

High concentration of Salt would be harmful to your shrimp most plants can tolerate 1 table spoon for 5 gallons above that and it will be harmful to your plants what I would do is a course of maracyn2 as most case of fin rot are caused by gram negative bacterial and it's shrimp safe antibiotic treatment 

Ah ok. And is it necessary to sterilise equipment afterwards? Or is a big water change fine?

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On 5/1/2024 at 1:53 PM, Cjbear087 said:

Ah ok. And is it necessary to sterilise equipment afterwards? Or is a big water change fine?

I would only steriliser equipment if your going to be using it in  another tank 

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On 5/1/2024 at 9:30 AM, Colu said:

I would only steriliser equipment if your going to be using it in  another tank 

I mean I’m getting another tank in September so by then I’m assuming it will be fine anyway right? If not I can sterilise one more time before I get the new tank.

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On 5/1/2024 at 8:47 PM, Cjbear087 said:

I mean I’m getting another tank in September so by then I’m assuming it will be fine anyway right? If not I can sterilise one more time before I get the new tank.

Yes given that length of time you should be fine

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