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Sun Sun Leak!

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Yall told me it was just a matter of time and you were correct. After 2+ years in service, my Sun Sun cannister filter sprung a leak over the weekend.  I turned off the filter to do a water change and noticed a stream of water coming from behind my tank. Upon investigation, the filer was leaking out of the side.  I guess the O ring had had enough and by releasing the pressure when turning it off, the seal broke.  I thought about getting a new  O ring and fixing it but I would constantly be worrying about it leaking again. Plus I have a fully planted 75G with Nano fish so I really don't need as much filtration as a cannister provides.

I went to the big box store and settled on a Top Fin Pro 70 Power Filter. Its a HOB but it has a lot of bells and whistles. It has a pre-filter sponge, surface skimmer, and 2 compartments to put media in. I took some of the sponges and bio rings from my old filter and put them in the new filter and thus far I have had a seamless transition. No ammonia or Nitrite has been detected. The water is also as clear as ever.  I can't speak to the longevity of the Pro 70 but I fully endorse the ability of this filter.  The cannister leaking when I was able to mitigate the damage and quickly get a replacement was a blessing in disguise (I think).

New top fin pro series filter - General Discussion - C.A.R.E.

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Luckily it started leaking during my water change so I was able to see it and get it switched out before any water damage took place. I haven't had a HOB filter in years and I would say the pros are its much quieter and seems to keep the water just as clear as my cannister did. The cons are that I am going to have to clean it much more often than I cleaned the cannister. Like a monthly cleaning rather than a bi-yearly cleaning.

The most shocking part to me is that top fin makes a quality filter. Maybe I was wrong to have this bias but I always viewed top fin as a budget vendor with cheap stuff. This filter though, is quality.

Edited by NOLANANO
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Fluval recommends cleaning and lubing the O ring monthly and changing it yearly on the 07 series.


I keep spares of the o ring, impeller, hoses, and aquastop valve on hand just in case…

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