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nano tank no filter shrimp tank advice

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So Im planning to do a no-filter tank with loads of plants. Im planning just 6 cherry shrimps and 5 Nerite snails what anybody with experience can point of some things for me to look out for? Its a 10 inch cube tank. Its just the start of the cycling process so no nothing yet.


WhatsApp Image 2024-04-29 at 16.05.48_06fc94ac.jpg

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My initial thought is that the gas exchange in a tank without flow may be an issue so I would throw a airline in and as some very wise people on here often tell me if you are adding an air stone you may as well have a sponge or box filter attached. 

From everything I have read and heard about shrimp is that they do better in well oxygenated water especially when they moult.  I have a similar set up to you but with a sponge filter it is incredibly low maintenance I just wish mine was a lidded tank because top offs is the main issue. 



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There's also the consideration that nerites & neocaridina shrimp usually thrive in an established tank, but only get by with a newer one.

You'll need to ensure the nerites have enough algae sources for food.

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On 4/29/2024 at 9:34 AM, Misterpotato said:

does this count as heavily planted? i means its still new so  I expect to trim some and replant it soon

Not yet, but maybe it will be as the plants grow.  I don't consider a tank heavily planted until at least half the volume is full of plants.

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Are you planning on adding any fertilizer on a regular basis?  If so, you might experience certain chemicals building up, with others being utilized by the tank inhabitants.

If you are doing water changes that isn't an issue.  However, if you are just doing top-offs, that could be a problem.


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Posted (edited)

I have a 6 gallon cube that is dirted, no filter, no ferts, no CO2. 

Let your tank get WELL ESTABLISHED before adding anything. Especially with that many Nerites. I personally would chop that number down to 2 at the most. Even with mine being well established I could not keep Nerites in mine. Consider Amano shrimp instead. 

My cube has a Fluval plant nano on it, and pearls more than any other tank, even those with CO2. It has become a Pearl Weed jungle, is over 2 years established, and continues to crush. My biggest issue has been recurring green water any time I make a change. However, I’ve worked through that again and the tank continues to thrive. Here’s some pics. I think it shows the progression over the past couple years pretty nicely:IMG_1201.jpeg.487adb041c9e3898a0464b78152f3b4c.jpegIMG_1310.jpeg.efeabc4afa26733215d93f44e790b803.jpegIMG_1299.jpeg.e0eb765f59ef4de8b72f9117c713e173.jpegIMG_1605.jpeg.2d3ce45f54a88d8f3bfaa6c1b24b516f.jpegIMG_2407.jpeg.68ab3cb90e535c8834a227831ab36111.jpegIMG_2457.jpeg.a47c015b9a71222fefd177879d963d43.jpegIMG_3401.jpeg.67664531a606a2dc38dd5041bd73686a.jpegIMG_4065.jpeg.7b833d0f85fb13735c5ee3454c9f5a50.jpegIMG_4680.jpeg.6c12e63577cf5400aedf2ee9fe591b22.jpeg





And this is basically where we sit today. Pearl Weed has taken over the entire tank. It grows out, I trim it, it grows out again, and I trim it again. Rinse and repeat. Currently, I have 8 Blue Axelrodi Rasboras, 2 Amano shrimp, and Ramshorn Snails in here. Fun little experiment over the past couple years  

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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Posted (edited)

What other stocking option will you guys recommend cause I'm really new to this no filter tank so I'm not sure hows does the stocking works. Cause I thought that more nerite means less algea problems.


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Posted (edited)

Nerites for sure eat algae. I just personally think that 5 is too many. I tried 2 in my tank, and they didn’t make it. The Amanos have thrived for years, though. 

In my opinion, you want to understock the tank. A handful of nano fish, shrimp, and (certain) snails have thrived for me. As long as the plants are acting as the filter and the oxygen source you should be fine. Start small, and add on as necessary/as you want. 

Just got done trimming my cube. Here’s the most recent pic:


Light turns on in about an hour. This is just natural sunlight from the window behind the tank. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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On 5/1/2024 at 9:53 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

This is just natural sunlight from the window behind the tank. 

That sunlight makes it look awesome, like a freshly mowed Pearlweed lawn😂


I definitely agree about the nerites. The most common cause of death for these guys seems to be starvation. They struggle to find enough food, so unless you’ve got insane amounts of algae I would definitely cap it at two.

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