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Growth near goldfish tail


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  • pH= 7.0
  • Nitrates= 20
  • Hardness= ?
  • Nitrite= 0
  • Ammonia= 0
  • KH/Buffer=?
  • Water Temperature =76

I have a ranchu goldfish, Almond, with a growth near its tail. I did not notice this growth until today. I did a water change yesterday(30%). I'm not noticing any behavioral changes and Almond is eating normally. What do you think this is?  How do I treat it?



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With the Redding possible bacterial infections causing inflammation what I would do is a course of kanaplex it's a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment and add an extra air stone during treatment @LoriG

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On 4/22/2024 at 2:13 AM, LoriG said:

Thanks Colu!  Can I treat the whole tank? I have 2 other ranchus and snails in with Almond. 

You could quarantine and treat as Kanaplex can be harmful to snails or you could remove the snails and treat the main tank 

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  • 2 weeks later...


Good news is that Almond is  completely recovered after the Kanaplex tx. Bad news is I'm having an ammonia spike. I added Prime to the tank and will do a water change. I did a large 1 on Sunday. How long can this last?  I've never had my biofilter crash. What else should I be doing?



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On 5/1/2024 at 5:52 AM, LoriG said:


Good news is that Almond is  completely recovered after the Kanaplex tx. Bad news is I'm having an ammonia spike. I added Prime to the tank and will do a water change. I did a large 1 on Sunday. How long can this last?  I've never had my biofilter crash. What else should I be doing?



Test daily If your seeing any ammonia do a 50% water change and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia till it constantly stays at zero if you have some cycled media from another tank you could add that will help to speed up the process 

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm still doing daily 40-50% water changes bc i still have ammonia in the tank. I only have a very small 6 gallon betta tank that's established. Not sure moving media from it would help my 60 gallon goldfish tank?  I've used Kanaplex before and it never crashed my cycle. I'm afraid all of this will be too stressful for my fish. Is there anything else that can be done?








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On 5/16/2024 at 8:44 PM, LoriG said:


I'm still doing daily 40-50% water changes bc i still have ammonia in the tank. I only have a very small 6 gallon betta tank that's established. Not sure moving media from it would help my 60 gallon goldfish tank?  I've used Kanaplex before and it never crashed my cycle. I'm afraid all of this will be too stressful for my fish. Is there anything else that can be done?








How high is the ammonia getting 

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I am guessing your doing more constant changes, because as you definitely know, that ammonia can be toxic, might sound simple, but idk what all is happening in this topic, I guess I should read more in depth lol. Hope it all turns out, just here for encouragement @LoriG

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On 5/17/2024 at 3:36 AM, LoriG said:

I'd say it's about a 1.0. It's basically stayed around there since this happened. 73760528883__DBCF8F25-F80C-4BB5-A3A1-21CBBFB1C574.jpeg.3de695e86a4e45a77f8fc1bb370e4597.jpeg

This level of ammonia is going to cause issues what I would do is add an extra sponge filter to your betta tank then after a couple of days take the media from your cycled betta tank and add to the goldfish tank that will help you could ask your local fish store if they have some cycled media you could have you could also add  bottled bacterial  it might help 

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I added the Fritz Turbostart yesterday. I'm still seeing 1.0 ammonia, 0.5 nitrite and 5.0 nitrate. Do I do water changes and add prime or just leave the turbo start do its thing? 



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