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Hey everyone! I've been doing lots of research and list-making but can't make up my mind so I figured I'd crowd source it. I have a planted, well-established 40 breeder with 6 skunk corydoras, and a juvenile blue acara (the wild type, he's so awesome). The tank just feels like it's missing something and I can't decide between a group of larger tetras (diamond tetras?) or another more docile cichlid (keyholes?) to round out the tank. Any other suggestions are welcome too :) As the acara grows, it could very well turn out that he needs the space to himself which would be fine by me, but figured I'd see what other hobbyists thought. Photo of the tank attached (pardon the algae on the back glass). 1713054847954368416840104315378.jpg.5ecc5cb3c5c3cb215d6d2a19ec0b8762.jpg

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I’m watching this thread closely, because I should be getting a true blue acara for my 55-gal tank soon. So frustrating how hard it is to find the wildtype, which I much prefer.

I plan to keep a blue acara with 2-4 angelfish, and perhaps also a festivum. There’s only a big population of guppies in there right now, which the cichlids will no doubt control.

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On 4/13/2024 at 8:40 PM, macdaddy36 said:

A school of tetras is probably the safe choice because the keyholes and acara could possibly fight. You could also go with hatchetfish or some kind of headstander.

Totally agree the issue is the aquarium size. All cichlids require appropriate space for territory. 

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On 4/13/2024 at 11:42 PM, goldie_girl said:

@AtomicSunfish I also prefer the regular blues to the electrics - I was really surprised when my LFS had a few! I think Dan's Fish has them sometimes if you're having a hard time finding them locally. 

I asked my LFS to order them, but even they’re having a tough time. Ordering yourself is expensive, no?

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