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Is my guppy injured?


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I got three male guppies for my 5-gallon tank less than a week ago. Two are green cobras and one is a pink tuxedo. I believe the pink tuxedo was fine when I got him, but on the second day, I noticed he was much more passive than the other two guppies and was trying to hide often. Today, which is the fourth day I've had him, it looks like his tail has been injured. I've Googled what injured guppy tails look like, but this looks different (it's not torn). It's as if the top part has been bitten off, and he stays in the very top of the tank and swims really slowly. I'm attaching a picture of him from the first day, a pink from yesterday, and a picture of him today. Any ideas of what happened to him? Any suggestions of what should I do?




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I added salt but he died a few minutes after 😞 It was too late I guess. Any ideas of why did this happen and happened so fast? Also what should I do now?

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Could have ripped it on the plastic plants they can be sharp or it could have been the start of fin what you KH GH low KH and GH can cause a lot of health issues in liverbears 

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